Ï The authors of the works at the exhibition….are museum staff

The authors of the works at the exhibition….are museum staff

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The authors of the works at the exhibition….are museum staff
Alexey Gimalitdinov

The State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan hosted the opening of an exhibition of works created by museum employees. The exhibition is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the great poet and thinker of the East Magtymguly Fragi.

The artists included Gurban Bayramov, Orazmyrat Iljanov, Guncha Yazmukhammedova, Ashyrbibi Amangeldiyeva, Chemen Annamyradova, and other specialists from the museum's art restoration department. Visitors particularly remembered paintings such as "Heavenly Flowers," "National Still Life," "Generation of Happy Era," "Golden Autumn," "Landscape," "Calmness," "Beady Eyes," "Palanquin," "Harmony," and "Blooming Ashgabat." Visitors lingered by these paintings, exchanged comments, and came back several times to better remember them.

The art of calligraphy has always been highly valued in the East. The handwritten poems of Magtymguly in ancient script, presented by Allanazar Sopyev and Gulbahar Gowshakova, were distinguished by great artistic expressiveness. This exhibition left no viewer indifferent.

In the showcases of the exhibition, one can see miniature statuettes made from various materials in modern and national styles, which blend well together and add originality to the exhibition. These are works by Allanazar Sopyev and Shageldi Ashyrov.

Silver jewelry items—tumars (amulet holders), earrings, necklaces, and other national ornaments are displayed separately. Atajan Annanurov, the author of these exhibits, used a modern style combined with classic national patterns in their creation.

A special place in the exhibition is given to Turkmen embroidery. Among the items are skullcaps, scarves, kurte (wedding capes), camel covers, embroidered bags and blankets. Nursoltan Ashyrova and Ogulshirin Jepbarova distinguished themselves in the art of embroidery.

An unusual exhibit presented by Shirin Bayramova is furniture painted with national patterns. The staff conducts extensive work on the restoration and conservation of ancient exhibits, as well as recreating them from various materials. The exhibition features a saddle, stirrup, and whip made by Shageldi Ashyrov, and copies of horse gear and architectural fragments of Parthia created by Roman Sitdikov.

Museum specialists, especially from the art restoration department, in their professional activities, are at the intersection of the past and present. The exhibition of exhibits created by the hands of museum workers testifies to their passion for the ethnoculture of the people and their ability to recreate items from the lives of our ancestors.