Ï Theatres and circuses of Turkmenistan opened a new season

Theatres and circuses of Turkmenistan opened a new season

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Theatres and circuses of Turkmenistan opened a new season

Theatres and circuses of Turkmenistan opened the new season on the 1st of September with performances, many of which are dedicated to the life and work of the great classical poet and philosopher Magtymguly Fragi, and exciting circus shows. The Main Drama Theatre named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy the Great invited spectators to the play «Magtymguly-köňül guşy», and the National Drama Theatre of Turkmenistan named after Alp Arslan - to the play «Akyldar».

The Turkmen National Music and Drama Theatre named after Magtymguly opened the new season with the play «Pursat», the State Russian Drama Theatre named after A.S. Pushkin - with the play «Türkmeniň bagty», the Student Drama Theatre named after Mollanepes - with the play «Ýegdir galsa ýagşy at», the State Drama Theatre named after Aman Gulmammedov in the city of Arkadag - with the play «Älem nury». The Turkmen State Puppet Theatre offered young spectators to watch the play «Aladdin».

Theatre groups in the velayats prepared the following performances for the new season: «Dowamatdyr, bagtyýardyr, sarsmaz türkmen binasy» at the State Drama Theatre of the Balkan velayat named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy the Great, «Magtymguly, sözlär tili türkmeniň» at the State Music and Drama Theatre of the Dashoguz velayat named after N. Andalyp, «Magtymguly, düşdüň yşkyň güzerine...» at the State Music and Drama Theatre of Lebap Velayat named after Seyitnazar Seydi and «Ajap eýýam» - at the State Drama Theatre of Mary Velayat named after Kemine.

The circus season opened in the State Circus of Turkmenistan with the show about winged horses «Ganatly bedewler», in the State Equestrian Circus named after Gorogly of the city of Arkadag - with the show «Galkynyşlaň öwşüni sen, Arkadag!». After the opening of the season, the equestrian circus of the city of Arkadag invites spectators every Sunday at 15:00 to its exciting and funny shows, promising unforgettable impressions from the performances of acrobats, gymnasts, jugglers, clowns, funny monkeys, as well as riders of the famous equestrian group «Galkynysh», who have been applauded in many countries of the world.