Ï The concert «Towards the VIII festival «Sounds of Dutar» is another dedication to the anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi

The concert «Towards the VIII festival «Sounds of Dutar» is another dedication to the anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi

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The concert «Towards the VIII festival «Sounds of Dutar» is another dedication to the anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi

On the 15th of September, 2024, a concert will be held at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts dedicated to the VIII Moscow International Arts Festival «Sounds of Dutar» named after Nury Halmammedov, which will be held this year from the 28th of October to 3rd of November. The concert «Towards the VIII Festival «Sounds of Dutar» will feature jury members and laureates of music competitions of different years.

The concert will be a continuation of a series of events in an extensive program developed by the organizing committee of the VIII Moscow International Arts Festival in honour of the 300th anniversary of the Turkmen poet and philosopher Magtymguly Fragi. Among the events that have already been held are concerts featuring Turkmen and Russian artists.

Thus, on the 7th of April, the Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery hosted a concert entitled «The Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi», which marked the beginning of a series of events to celebrate the anniversary of the great classical poet in Moscow. On the 21st of August, the Rachmaninov Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory hosted a concert entitled «He Truly Became the Mouth of Turkmenistan». In addition, competitions have been organized, the main objective of which is to deeply study and popularize Magtymguly’s legacy, primarily among the youth of Russia.

According to the message of the organizing committee of the festival «Sounds of Dutar», the acceptance of works for a number of competitions and the scientific conference «Magtymguly and his role in world culture» has come to an end. In particular, the acceptance of applications for the art competition of illustrations to the poems of Magtymguly «Reflection» and the competition of composers «Musical works based on the poems of Magtymguly Fragi» has ended.

Many interesting and original works were received, and the jury members enthusiastically began to evaluate them. Based on the results of these competitions, it is planned to publish a collection of music and art, which will include the works of the finalists. These works will not only demonstrate the talent of the participants, but also enrich the cultural heritage, combining the power of poetry and the magic of music into a single whole.

The organizing committee of the festival «Sounds of Dutar» reminds that applications for competitions are still being accepted until the 1st of October:

International literary competition of reciters «Universe of the word» 

Project Competition «Seeds of Wisdom: Lessons from Great Minds» 

Musicians performing various specialties for the best performance of academic music based on ethnocultural traditions

Competitions are held in online and offline formats.