Ï The winners of the checkers competition in honor of the Day have been determined independence of Turkmenistan

The winners of the checkers competition in honor of the Day have been determined independence of Turkmenistan

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The winners of the checkers competition in honor of the Day have been determined independence of Turkmenistan
Arslan Mullikov

The results of the checkers competition dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan. it was organized National Drafts Center of Turkmenistan together with the editorial staff newspaper "Nebit-gaz" and electronic newspaper "Ussatnews".

The competition took place from February 1 to September 5, arousing interest among people of different professions and ages. Among its participants were employees of ministries and departments, state enterprises and private companies, public organizations, students of schools and universities of the country, who were asked to solve 15 different checkers problems. Compiled by of these assignments, which were published in the Nebit-gaz newspaper, were delivered by a member National Drafts Center of Turkmenistan, trainer-teacher specialized drafts school of Balkan velayat Maksat Durdyev.

When summing up the results of the competition, in addition to the traditional three winners the jury decided to award two more distinguished contestants. Best of all a 4th year student of Turkmenistan completed all the tasks State Energy Institute Shamuhammet Agayev, who became the winner.

Second place was awarded to Arslanbek Atarov – teacher Turkmen State Special Music School named after Danatar Ovezov at the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulieva, and the third - to Berdymurad Khojamberdyev – welder specialized management of the trust "Türkmenýöritenebitgazgurnama" GC "Turkmengaz".

We were awarded two incentive prizes: for fourth place – student 8 class of secondary school No. 147 of Ashgabat Rustam Atarov, and for the fifth place - Kadyr Peshliev, 5th year student of the Balkanabat branch International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev.

The laureates of the checkers competition were honored at the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev. In a solemn situation, Chairman of the National Drafts Center of Turkmenistan, international grandmaster Byashim Durdyev presented the winners with certificates and valuable gifts established by trade union committees of the Balkan velayat and State Concern "Turkmennebit".

The festive atmosphere of the event was given by bright concert performances, with which were performed by famous pop performers of the Cultural and Business Center of the State Concern "Turkmengas" - People's Artist Turkmenistan Annagul Gurdova, popular vocalists Akhmet Orazgulyev and Maksat Tuvakov, as well as the creative team of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev.