Ï Hazar Chemical Plant producing highly purified technical iodine expands the production

Hazar Chemical Plant producing highly purified technical iodine expands the production

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Hazar Chemical Plant is one of the oldest enterprises of chemical industry of the country. Back in 1932, first 10 tons of technical iodine were shipped from the plant. Ever since, the enterprise conquered the positions within the country and beyond its borders, having become large and reliable supplier of iodine for domestic and foreign consumers of this scarce production.

Hazar Chemical plant uses local raw material – underground iodine-bearing natural and associated waters extracted during oil and gas production. Balkan Velayat is rich for iodine deposits and one of them is being developed for decades at Cheleken peninsula. For all the years, it underwent several structural re-organizations and technical reconstruction.

Iodine started to be produced in industrial volumes since 1938. After 30 years, production volumes of the enterprise were increased after commissioning of new installation producing the iodine by charcoal absorption methods. In the 80s of the last century, Hazar process engineers successfully developed the production of iodine on API titanium experimental unit. Today, it is produced by air desorption method, which allowed increasing the volumes of ready-made product and improve working conditions.

Together with iodine production, the structure of Hazar Chemical Plant includes technical oxygen production unit and former technical carbon production plant, which was transferred under chemical plant jurisdiction. Today, technical carbon and technical iodine is on the great demand of the consumers. Design and installation of experimental industrial units for production of 10% solution of calcium hypochlorite, which is used for fabrics and paper bleach, poisonous substances neutralizer and harmless disinfectant for drinking water chlorination are among engineering and technical initiatives.

Technical iodine of A and B grade, distinguished by the consistence and level of purification, as well as iodine derivatives like potassium iodide and iodate are the priority production of the plant. The production of acidic potassium iodate, used in livestock farming, was arranged on the base of existing potassium iodide process train.

The specialists of the plant together with the scientists of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan developed and implemented the technology of “CDA” brand potassium iodate production. The main consumer of this product is Guvlyduz plant with salt iodizing process lines. It is necessary to remind that owing to know-hows of Hazar chemists, Turkmenistan was the first on the post-Soviet space and the fourth in the world that provides integrated iodizing of table salt in accordance with universal international standards. The success in this field was marked by international certificate signed by the UN Children Fund, the World Health Organization and International Council for Control of Iodine-deficiency Diseases.

The production of iodine and mineral fertilizers are an important branch of national chemical industry, which are together with fuel and energy complex make the basis of national economy. In the nature, iodine is in dispersed condition and its deposits in the world are not that great. For comparison, if the production of the enterprises of fuel and energy complex and other branches of heavy industry is counted in thousands and millions, the production of iodine and its derivatives is only counted by tens and hundreds of tons. This stipulates high demand of iodine in the world market. According to the experts, owing to multiple application of iodine in different productions, the demand will constantly grow.

Turkmenistan is on the fourth place in the world by the reserves of iodine and on the fifth by the production. The country does not limit itself just by production of iodine but also actively expands the variety of iodine-based productions with high added value.

Hazar Chemical plant is specialized in production of high purity iodine. International Committee of Business Initiative Directions awarded the plant with Gold Quality Star for competiveness and production.

Today, the oldest enterprise of Turkmenistan experience big changes: installations for production of 300-350 tons of granulated iodine and 4.5 – 5.5 thousand tons of bromine and bromine chemicals per annum will be built there.