Ï Conference "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan–2024": Meetings, Negotiations, Partnerships

Conference "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan–2024": Meetings, Negotiations, Partnerships

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Conference "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan–2024": Meetings, Negotiations, Partnerships

The 29th conference "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan-2024" is currently taking place in Ashgabat. Following a well-established tradition, on the eve of the opening, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed the participants and guests of the forum with congratulations and words of encouragement. He noted, in particular, that "The annual industry exhibition and conference 'Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan' serve as a platform for constructive discussion of priorities in the development of the national fuel and energy complex, ways to enhance targeted mutually beneficial partnerships, methods for introducing new technologies into the oil and gas sector, and modernizing production... I am convinced that the international conference and exhibition will play a significant role in exchanging experiences and opinions between domestic specialists and foreign partners, establishing broad cooperation in the future."

On the opening day of the conference, which gathered representatives of numerous local and foreign firms and companies from 40 countries, as well as a large group of journalists from various leading media outlets in the region, it was quite crowded near the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the country. However, volunteers and forum organizers skillfully managed the flow of movement, directing it in the right direction.

After the official opening ceremony, participants and guests of the forum, while examining the promotional products at the exhibition, engaged directly in business negotiations and familiarized themselves with the work of new partners in the oil and gas industry representing giants in their field.

This year's conference brought together leaders from Turkmenistan's fuel-energy, chemical, financial and banking sectors, as well as specialists from several research institutes to boost the implementation of joint investment projects and discuss promising areas of cooperation in hydrocarbon resource extraction, processing, safe delivery to consumers, environmental aspects of hydrocarbon field operation, international environmental protection requirements, as well as the importance of producing alternative energy sources. The participation of representatives from many countries indicates that each year the scale of this event expands and Turkmenistan's attractiveness to international investors increases.

The conference program included key issues of the global oil and gas industry such as energy transition, environmental aspects of hydrocarbon extraction and new export routes. One of the central topics discussed was a speech by Mammetguly Astanagulov, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan, who emphasized the importance of diversifying the country's gas industry and increasing exports of processed natural gas products.

Today Turkmenistan is actively developing natural gas processing which contributes to producing high-quality products aimed at export. One significant project in this regard is a plant for producing gasoline from gas as well as enterprises for producing polyethylene, polypropylene, ammonia and urea. The country is engaged in deep industrial processing of hydrocarbon raw materials with innovative technologies that increase product competitiveness on the global market.

At the conference there was active discussion on current issues in the global oil and gas industry such as energy transition, environmental aspects of hydrocarbon extraction and new export routes. In this regard an interesting speech was given by Zhang Daowei, Vice President of CNPC. He emphasized that despite rapid growth in renewable energy sources oil and gas will remain key components of global energy consumption constituting more than 50% until 2050. According to him global energy transformation driven by climate change opens up new opportunities for international cooperation. In this process Turkmenistan plays a key role due to its rich natural gas resources. Today trade volume between China and Turkmenistan is only increasing while cooperation continues to deepen especially in green energy low-carbon technologies.

Lyubov Ivleva, Deputy Director for Strategic Development at INVI TECHNOLOGIES LLP, in her speech, emphasized the importance of implementing innovative technologies in Turkmenistan's oil and gas industry to accelerate its development and enhance environmental safety. INVI TECHNOLOGIES provides solutions for monitoring main pipelines using fiber-optic technologies, which allow for precise and timely detection of leaks and damages. The company also develops anti-corrosion protection systems and supplies equipment for the oil and gas industry. The speaker expressed confidence in continued successful cooperation with Turkmenistan.

In his speech, Deputy Prime Minister Batyr Amanov outlined the main directions and important projects for the development of Turkmenistan's oil and gas industry. Among the priorities, he mentioned cooperation in constructing the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline and developing licensed offshore complexes in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea through foreign investments. Relevant topics include interaction in oil and gas science and the practical implementation of new technologies, including creating underground gas storage facilities. Addressing foreign partners, Batyr Amanov said, "Turkmenistan is ready to discuss your proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation and implementation of investment projects." Guvanch Agajanov, Chairman of the State Concern "Turkmennebit," stated that Turkmenistan plays an increasingly important role in large-scale energy transformations. Oil and gas are the main resources ensuring Turkmenistan's energy and economic independence today and in the near future. In this regard, Turkmenistan holds a leading position in ensuring global and regional energy security, emphasized the head of "Turkmennebit," whose report was central to the session dedicated to raw materials for energy transition.

Alongside business presentations, around the stands and products of major firms at the exhibition, there was bustling activity not only among businessmen and industrialists but also journalists who covered negotiations, interviewed leaders and representatives from foreign and local companies. The main exhibitors included State Concerns "Türkmennebit" and "Türkmengaz," State Corporation "Türkmengeologiýa," as well as dozens of industry enterprises and private entrepreneurs working in the national fuel-energy complex.

The annual industry review serves as a productive platform for widely promoting achievements in the national fuel-energy complex. About 70 exhibitors, including more than 40 foreign companies, placed their stands in the exhibition hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan. These companies came from Belgium, the United Kingdom, Germany, Georgia, Kazakhstan, China, South Korea, Malaysia, UAE, Russia, USA, Türkiye, Uzbekistan, France and Japan.

One of those who first shared impressions about the conference and exhibition was Andrey Khripunov, Russia's Trade Representative in Turkmenistan. He said: "You know, I've been here (in Ashgabat) for two months now. I arrived in your wonderful country two months ago. It is a very hospitable country, even in this short period, I have witnessed many international exhibitions and events. Not to mention the global event dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi attended by leaders of many countries. Today's exhibition is indeed an important event attended by many Russian companies. Even representatives from Tomsk have come. Tatneft has its stand here, it has been cooperating with Turkmenistan for quite some time. I am confident that our deepened strategic partnership will continue to develop further in trade-economic and industrial relations.

We see many of our companies in Turkmenistan - KAMAZ, Vozrozhdenie, among others. I hope upcoming meetings between co-chairs of our intergovernmental commission will give new impetus to the development of our trade relations."

A young manager of Chinese company Dongfang Electric Corporation Honghua International Co., Ltd., named Wang (who introduced himself as Volodya for ease of communication), shared his opinion on the conference: "Our company's main product is oil equipment. Honghua has been in Turkmenistan for almost 10 years. This year we have supplied one set of seismic equipment for exploration and geophysical research. We hope to supply new oil products to Turkmenistan in the future. Our equipment for 'Turkmengeologiya' is used in Lebap, Balkan, and Ahal velayats. It is not my first time in Turkmenistan. I first came to Ashgabat in 2017. You have a beautiful, clean city. I really like it here. We hope for long-term mutually beneficial relations with our Turkmen partners."

Preliminary results and impressions from the exhibition, negotiations and conference speeches indicate that over recent years Turkmenistan has made significant progress as a leading regional energy power. Implemented large-scale projects in the oil-gas complex serve as a visible example with global significance.

Meanwhile, as part of the forum concluding its work, final results are expected along with new bilateral meetings including online sessions and press conferences.

Undoubtedly this international conference will play a significant role in exchanging experiences between domestic specialists and foreign partners establishing broad cooperation for future endeavors.