Ï Specialists of the «Ak Durna» enterprise grow young carp, silver carp and grass carp

Specialists of the «Ak Durna» enterprise grow young carp, silver carp and grass carp

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Specialists of the «Ak Durna» enterprise grow young carp, silver carp and grass carp

Fifteen tons of fry of some species of freshwater fish were released this autumn in the Gorogly etrap pond farm specialists of the individual enterprise «Ak Durna». Basically, these are young carp, silver carp and grass carp, weighing up to 100 grams, grown in modern incubators of a private enterprise. Now they will have to gain weight in an artificial reservoir under regular supervision.

The individual enterprise «Ak Durna», which specializes in commercial fishing, also grows fish for trade. It has all the necessary infrastructure for this. It includes five modern incubators, laboratories equipped with specialized equipment, eight pools, two pond farms in the Shavat and Gorogly etraps. In them, for subsequent sale, it is planned to grow at least twenty tons of carp fish per year. The company's specialists carefully monitor that during the process of growing fish in ponds, they are provided with access to oxygen in the reservoirs, they try to carry out work on feeding and preventing various infections and diseases of fish in a timely manner, including the treatment of the reservoir from swamping and silting.

As for industrial fishing in natural waters, the enterprise, which privatized the former state enterprise «Dashoguzbalyk» on a tender basis several years ago, has a sufficient amount of specialized equipment, including 29 motorboats.