Ï The President of Turkmenistan Held a Working Meeting

The President of Turkmenistan Held a Working Meeting

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The President of Turkmenistan Held a Working Meeting

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atakhallyyev and khyakims of the country’s velayats. The agenda included issues of work in the agricultural sector in the regions and the implementation of the National Rural Program.

The first to speak was the khyakim of Ahal velayat administration S.Soltanmyradov, who reported on the pace of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As reported, everything necessary is being done to ensure the optimal yield of grown cotton with subsequent uninterrupted transportation and reception by specialized points and enterprises.

At the same time, wheat sowing continues in the region: efforts are being applied to complete it according to the agro-technical calendar. Equipment and units are operating at full capacity, and vegetative irrigation is being carried out on the sown fields.

The head of the regional administration reported on the measures taken to maintain the proper functioning of heating systems at enterprises, departments, general education and preschool institutions, housing and social facilities in the region. It was also informed upon the pace of construction of social and industrial infrastructure facilities, scheduled to be commissioned this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to ensure the optimal implementation of current campaigns in the agricultural sector.

The head of state emphasized the importance of successfully implementing programs for the socio-economic development of the country and improving the standard of living of the population. In this context, the khyakim was assigned to monitor the quality and timely execution of work on new buildings, the opening of which is scheduled for this year.

Then, the khyakim of Balkan velayat H. Ashyrmyradov made a report on the progress of seasonal agricultural activities. 

As noted, targeted measures are currently being taken to harvest cotton without losses, ensure uninterrupted transportation and subsequent reception of raw materials by specialized points. At the same time, everything necessary is being done to ensure that the equipment involved in the campaign operates at full capacity.

In addition, efforts are being made to carry out sowing wheat and vegetation irrigation of sown fields within the agro-technical deadlines.

The head of the regional administration reported on measures to maintain the proper functioning of heating systems at enterprises, departments, schools and kindergartens, other social facilities and residential buildings. It was also reported on the progress of work on new buildings of social and industrial infrastructure, planned for commissioning this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.

Having heard the report and indicated among the key tasks the completion of the cotton and sowing wheat harvest within the agro-technical deadlines, the head of state addressed the corresponding instructions to the khyakim.

 President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also assigned to monitor compliance with quality requirements and deadlines for the construction of various facilities, the opening of which is scheduled for this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.

The working meeting continued with a report by the khyakim of Dashoguz velayat D. Babayev on the progress of seasonal work in the agricultural sector.

As reported, every effort is being exerted to complete the cotton harvest in an organized manner without losses and ensure uninterrupted reception of raw materials by specialized points, while using agricultural machinery as efficiently as possible.

Along with this, special attention is paid to the dynamics of sowing wheat, taking into account the agro-technical schedule. Uniform shoots were obtained on the sown areas.

In addition, measures are being taken in the region to increase the pace of rice harvesting. 

The head of the regional administration informed about the work being carried out to maintain the proper functioning of heating systems at social and housing facilities, as well as about the state of affairs at new social and industrial buildings, which are scheduled for commissioning this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to accelerate the pace of the cotton harvesting campaign and ensure its completion on time and without losses, as well as to conduct the sowing of wheat in an organized manner.

The head of state instructed to monitor compliance with the quality requirements for the construction of various-purpose facilities, the opening of which is scheduled for this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.

Then, the khyakim of Lebap velayat M. Annanepesov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural activities.

The head of the regional administration informed about the measures taken to optimize the cotton harvest and the smooth operation of raw material collection points. As reported, the proper functioning of equipment and units is maintained for these purposes.

The sowing of grain crops is also continuing, and vegetative irrigation is carried out in the sown fields in a timely manner to obtain uniform shoots.

At the same time, guided by the instructions of the head of state to maintain food abundance in the country, everything necessary is being done to complete the rice harvest without losses and ensure its smooth reception and delivery to the state.

The head of the regional administration also reported on measures to ensure the proper functioning of heating systems in educational and cultural institutions, public institutions and residential buildings. It was also informed on the state of affairs at new social and industrial infrastructure construction sites scheduled for opening this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to ensure high-quality and organized completion of current agricultural campaigns.

Separate instructions concerned control over compliance with the quality and timing of construction of facilities planned for commissioning in the region this year in accordance with the country’s socio-economic development programs.

The working meeting continued with a report by the khyakim of Mary velayat B. Orazov on the dynamics of seasonal work in the agricultural sector.

As reported, thanks to support from the state, efforts are currently being made to collect the grown raw cotton without losses and to use the technical arsenal at full capacity.

At the same time, everything necessary is being done to complete the sowing of wheat on time, vegetative irrigation is carried out on the sown areas and uniform shoots are obtained. The harvesting of sugar beets has begun. 

The head of the regional administration reported on the activities to ensure the proper functioning of the heating system in social, public and residential buildings, as well as on the state of affairs at the facilities scheduled for opening this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to take all measures to optimally complete the cotton harvesting campaign and sowing wheat.

The head of state also instructed to monitor the quality and timely execution of work on new buildings scheduled for opening this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.

Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyyev reported on the pace of seasonal activities in the country’s agricultural sector.

As reported, efforts are being made to ensure the loss-free harvest of cotton and its uninterrupted delivery to collection points and cotton gins. At the same time, special attention is paid to maintaining the uninterrupted operation of agricultural and transportation equipment.

 Along with this, wheat sowing is in the final stage: vegetation irrigation of the sown fields and subsequent care of the seedlings are carried out in accordance with agricultural technology standards. In Dashoguz and Lebap velayats, rice harvesting continues: everything necessary is being done for the uninterrupted delivery and proper storage of the harvest arriving at the collection points. Care for sugar beets in the fields of Mary region has been completed, and harvesting has now begun.

Summarizing the report and emphasizing the key role of the agricultural sector in the structure of the national economy, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to keep under control the proper implementation of seasonal events. 

Then, addressing the participants of the working meeting, the head of state focused on the extended responsible agricultural campaign – cotton harvesting. In this regard, the importance of taking targeted measures that will increase the pace of the white harvest, yield raw cotton in the shortest possible time and without losses, as well as the efficiency of the combines and other equipment involved, specialized enterprises and collection points was emphasized. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to keep under constant control the timely and high-quality implementation of these tasks.