Ï Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait

Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait

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Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait
Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait
Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait
Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait
Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait
Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait
Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait
Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait
Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait
Durdy Bayramov: several strokes to the painter’s portrait
Our first meeting in the workshop, located on Gyorogly Street, has been forever engraved in my memory. A man of athletic physique, encircled with a girdle woven from camel's wool, with an open, smiling face, came out towards me. We easily found a common language with him and communicated with great interest within a month, while he was painting my portrait.

“A face is the soul’s mirror. I know this from my life experience. Whenever I am going to paint someone's portrait, and see the signs of internal discomfort in the eyes of the hero, entering into the dialogue, I try to unobtrusively understand what bothers the person, give him the opportunity to speak out ... The tension comes down, a smile appears, and my brush easily slides on the canvas, embodying the existing image ...”

So, the master told about some secrets of his work. Later, I was fortunate to talk to him more, and I did not cease to be surprised at his openness and willingness to help even a stranger.

“Durdy, who learnt the bitterness of the loss of parents, who knew what hunger and suffering are better than others, was always ready to share the last thing he had. There were times when in the market he gave everything that he had, returning home with nothing. And another amazing feature: he never sold the paintings he created. In the years of independence, an international exhibition was organized in one of the European countries. Several paintings by Durdy Bayramov were selected to be exhibited there and the master was invited. Upon completion of the exhibition, one of the managers expressed his readiness to purchase five paintings by the artist. Durdy replied that he had never sold his work and would not do it. "I paint for my country and people, living there," said the painter. He was such a straightforward and sincere person. Look at the works, created by him, and you will see this”, - one of his childhood friends, the candidate of historical sciences, journalist Kurban Agaliyev recalls.

... One day, one of the artists was returning back from Chuli (now Gokdere). It was late afternoon. He saw a man in an unbuttoned shirt and a large straw hat, standing on a low hill not far from the road. The man with a brush in his hand enthusiastically worked. The colleague recognized the painter and cheerfully called him:

“Durdy, people are looking for a murmuring cool stream and enjoy the shade of trees in such a hot weather, but you ...”

Keeping up his work, Durdy smiled and replied: “If I take a rest near a rindle, who will paint this gorge with its amazing flowers and views in the summer heat!”

Not finding what to answer back, the colleague continued his way.

... Durdy Bayramov was born on April 14, 1938 in the city of Bayramali. Having lost his parents in infancy, he was brought up in the orphanage in Kizyl-Arvat (now the city of Serdar). He grew up kind, sympathetic, and always ready to help. In 1954, Durdy Bayramov entered Shota Rustaveli Turkmen State Art School in Ashgabat. His teacher Gennady Brusentsov immediately distinguished a talented young man, supporting him in all aspirations.

Later on, their relationship grew into a real friendship. "Gennady Brusentsov is my first teacher, who replaced me my father," said Durdy, remembering his mentor with special warmth. In 1959, Durdy Bayramov was enrolled into the Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov, where he studied in the studio of the famous painter, People's Artist of the USSR D.K. Mochalsky. Later, he recalled: "During my study in Moscow, Professor Dmitry Mochalsky gave kind, wise, strong education".

The mentor from the very beginning appreciated and supported the pupil's desire to create a new direction of national fine art, combining the classical canons of Russian painting and the colors of Turkmen traditions.

Durdy created talented paintings that vividly convey the beauty of his native nature, and a portrait gallery of famous fieldworkers and industrial enterprises, drilling workers, oil workers and scientists. His works were exhibited not only in Turkmenistan. Many paintings by Durdy Bayramov were exhibited in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Museum of Oriental Art, the Dresden Gallery, the Toronto City Museum and many other famous exhibition halls.

He ranked among the best artists in the country. In 1965, he was admitted to the Union of Artists of the USSR. He combined creativity with teaching in the Ashgabat Art School. His spouse Dunyagozel, who he dedicated 57 graphic paintings of the Gozel series, and four daughters supported the painter.

The Turkmen artist was given the opportunity to participate in more than 100 collective and personal exhibitions held in many countries of the world that made the artist more famous. In 2012, he created a series of "Autumn in Canada".

Durdy Bayramov, who created more than 5,000 paintings and graphic works, - People's Artist and Honored Art Worker of Turkmenistan, the prize winner of the USSR and Turkmenistan youth organizations, laureate of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan named after B.Nurali, was awarded with the medal "For Love to the Fatherland".

He created more than 150 portraits from the cycle "People of Culture", dedicating 40 years of life to this delicate and hard work. Among the heroes of his works are Tagan Bayramdurdiev, Alty Karliyev, Kara Seytliev, Chary Ashirov, Ata Atajanov, Pomma Nurberdi, Atadjan Tagan, Berdinazar Hudaynazarov, Atamurat Atabaev, Sakhi Dzhepbarov, Nuri Khalmamedov, Khidir Allanurov, as well as peasants, shepherds, carpet-weavers ... When you look at the portraits of these people, you feel their energy and talent.

The artist's paintings of spring flowers in the Karakum Desert, red poppies that covered the hills of the Kopetdag Mountains, Koytendag waterfalls, the picturesque shades of autumn in the Sumbar gorge fascinate.

Durdy Bayramov showed himself as a master in the art of photography, although he did not consider himself a professional photographer and did not exhibit the work.

He also amazed his colleagues and friends by being a great book lover. He collected more than 6,000 books, mostly on art, some of them are the valuable publications of the late XIX and early XX centuries.

"When I come home and take a book, then I have a feeling of meeting with a desired friend. Then, the soul is filled with a special inspiration", said Durdy. As an experienced mentor, he willingly helped young people. Visited children's homes, where he met with pupils, was interested in their life, study. If he met talented children, he was very happy, gave good advices and helped them in the future. He was a welcome guest in the boarding school for visually impaired and hard-of-hearing children. Each time visiting the children, he gave them his pictures, and brought brushes, colors, colorful pencils to the lovers of drawing. Once the children asked: "Draw a portrait of our great poet Magtymguly Fragi. It should be bigger than the usual paintings. We would like everybody to see it!”

Durdy Bayramov fulfilled the children’s request and created the portrait with the size of a wall.