Ï Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum

Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum

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Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
Bright pages of the Turkmen sports’ history – in the exposition of the State Museum
The thematic exhibition opened in the State Museum on the eve of the 2017 Asian Games. Participants of the V Asian Games and guests to the Turkmen capital are provided with the opportunity to learn more about the unique exhibits, telling about the history of sports movement in our country as well as interesting facts of life of distinguished Turkmen athletes.

The organizers of the exposition invite the visitors to look deep into the centuries, when the ancient intellectual game – chess was born. Clay figures, found in the burials of the ancient country of Margush arouse keen interest among visitors. They dated back to the III-II millennium BC. In addition, chess figures carved from wood and bones from the Middle Ages are exhibited there. The photo-image of the sculpture of the descendant of the Turkmen khan from Dekhistan - Abubakra As-Suli, who lived in Baghdad, the capital of the Arab caliphate in the tenth century continued the chess story. He was the author of many scientific works and a passionate admirer of chess. The artist Juma Khudayguliyev reproduced the image of As-Suli by the descriptions of his contemporaries and painted his portrait, whereas the Honoured sculptor of Turkmenistan Velmurat Jumaev sculpted a monument to this bright scientist and chess player.

The exposition includes medals won by Turkmen chess players at various international competitions: Tashli Tailiev, who became the USSR absolute champion in 1939, Amanmyrat Kakageldiyev - eightfold champion of Turkmenistan and USSR twofold champion, Mykhri Geldiyeva - international grandmaster, champion of the 1996 and 1998 World Chess Olympiads.

Goresh wrestling occupies a significant place in the history of Turkmen sports. Thus, in the late XIX - early XX centuries, Nepes Chakan and Yazly-palvan from Tedzhen, Buzly-palvan and Mozhdun-palvan from Ashgabat, etc. were well known. Later, our contemporary, wrestler and honoured trainer Hudayberdy Paltaev became the first master of sports in goresh wrestling among the people of Turkmenistan. The portrait of the honoured master of sports in sambo Kakageldi Charyev occupies a honourable place in this photo gallery.

The photo-chronicles of the legendary horse race in 1935, when Turkmen jigits riding Ahalteke and Yomud horses passed 4,300 kilometers from Ashgabat to Moscow in 84 days, arouse a huge interest among visitors. The route ran through the free-flowing sands of the Karakum Desert, the waterless solonchaks of Ustyurt, the steppes of Kazakhstan and the Trans-Volga. Photo illustrations are organically supplemented by A.Medvedev's painting "Horse Ride", painted in 1938.

The glory of the famous horse breed of lives in centuries: the most famous Ahalteke horse in the world of sports is Absinthe, riding which Sergei Filatov became the first Soviet Olympic champion in equestrian sports in Rome in 1960.

The organizers of the exhibition did not ignore other interesting facts. In 1936, Turkmen fishermen overcame over 4,600 kilometers from Turkmenbashi to Moscow on taymun boats in 93 days. The gallery of their photo portraits is kept in the museum's storerooms. In the XIX - early XX centuries the gunfire competitions were very popular among the Turkmens. The art of shooting was passed on from generation to generation, revealing gifted and accurate shooters.

In this regard, it is necessary to recall the legendary sportsman-shooter, who was born in Ashgabat, Marat Niyazov. He is the silver medalist of the 1960 Olympic Games, sevenfold world champion, tenfold silver medalist and threefold bronze medalist of the world championships, threefold European champion, fourteen fold USSR champion, twofold world record holder, eleven fold European record holder, thirteen fold USSR record holder.

Many glorious names of our compatriots among weightlifters. The photo exposition acquaints visitors with the deserved master of sports, who achieved about thirty all-Union records in the 30s of the last century - Peter Kustodov and World Junior Champion Kurban Myatiev and many others. The medals and cups of Altymurad Orazdurdiyev - threefold world champion and fourfold European champion occupy the special place in the exposition. This year, relatives of the renowned weightlifter gifted the collection of his sports awards to the museum.