Ï Advanced medical facilities are at the disposal of the participants and guests of Ashgabat 2017 Games

Advanced medical facilities are at the disposal of the participants and guests of Ashgabat 2017 Games

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Advanced medical facilities are at the disposal of the participants and guests of Ashgabat 2017 Games
V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games require maximum output of the professionals who render the assistance to the guests and participants of the Games 24/7. Our first-class medical personnel provides medical services which are vital during such big competitions.

Having advanced technologies, modern equipment and quality medical education, hundreds of experienced doctors are on duty in the Olympic village and next to it.

Rehabilitation Centre rendering medical aid to the sportsmen and visitors around the clock has been built specially for Ashgabat 2017 Games. It occupies three floor including the basement and has a total area of 7 thousand square meters where radiology, cardiac and pulmonary diagnostics rooms, laboratories of vacuum therapy, galvanic therapy, ultrasound and physiotherapy are located. Different specialists like ophthalmologists, stomatologists, nutritionists, psychiatrists, gynaecologists, otorhinolaryngologists and other high class professionals work there.

Cabinets for checking of movements of limbs, reflex therapy, watch room and gym with sport equipment for muscular exercises are available at the territory of the Centre for the sportsmen received injuries during competitions. There are also 8 patients rooms, massage cabinet, electrical therapy pool, etc. inside the building.

Volunteers, the students of the State Medical University studied in sport medicine department work in the Rehabilitation centre together with experienced sport medics and other specialists who have passed international accreditation.

Besides Turkmen professionals involved in provision of the health safety of the participants and spectators of the Games, 22 foreign specialists from Germany consulting our doctors in rendering of the assistance to the patients requiring special care were invited to Ashgabat.

Invited experts note that the best conditions for operative and successful work of the medics are made in the Olympic village, advanced equipment is installed and all details related to organization of the duties are taken into account.

Special attention was paid to the establishment of doping control centre for conducting of the Games on high level. Prior to the competition, every athlete passes the test for the presence of the substance in the blood that are prohibited to use by the sportsmen. Owing to that, the process of the competitions can be called maximum fair and impartial.

Duty watch of ambulances and reanimation vehicles, which part were procured specially for provision of health safety of the sportsmen and spectators, has been organized for rendering immediate care and transport of the patients during Ashgabat 2017 Games.

Standard technical provision of reanimation vehicles includes defibrillators with monitors, artificial ventilation apparatus, syringe pumps, aspirators, oxygen bottles, stretchers, bandage and reanimation kits, standard and pneumatic splints, otoscopes, ophthalmoscopes, European standards medicines, sterile consumables and disinfectants.

Duty ambulances are located in different parts of the city in order to arrive on call within several minutes. There is a team of highly qualified specialists in each vehicle who knows several foreign languages and have certificates of the Immediate Care Centre.

Rehabilitation Centre of the Olympic village is a primary point where sportsmen and spectators of the Asian Games can apply for help. Numerous medical facilities ready to receive the patients at any moment are available in Ashgabat all day around.

Entire complex of super modern medical centres is located in the southern part of the capital. There is International Centre of Head and Neck Diseases Treatment, which is the only facility of such kind in the Central Asia, among them. In and out patient treatment of Turkmenistan citizens and foreign citizens who came in for Ashgabat 2017 Games is carried out there. Stationary department with one or two patient rooms is designated for simultaneous care of 100 patients providing maximum comfort and first-class care by the professionals.

The centre has number of departments including consultative and diagnostic, laboratory and surgical as well as departments of radial diagnostics, angiorentgenosurgery, intensive care, maxillofacial surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology and neurosurgery. New equipment including computer tomographer, x-ray and ultrasound equipment allowing diagnosing head and neck diseases at early stages is installed there.

Besides the immediate care cabinet, Surgery department has four other rooms what gibes an opportunity to make laser eye therapy, eye and tooth surgery, complicated neurosurgical operations simultaneously. 30 different operations are available to be made there with most modern equipment from Germany, Italy and USA.

The procedures for rapid recovery after surgery will be carried out in the intensive therapy department where permanent monitoring of the conditions of the patients is available owing to advanced equipment.

Neurosurgical department is worth special attention. The study of cerebral cortex is available using 2x and 3x binocular microscopes and neuro-endoscopic equipment from Germany. Advanced methods of treatment of central and periphery nervous system are mastered in the department, more than 20 different surgical interferences like micro neurosurgical operations of venous capillary pathology of cerebral and marrow, complex operations on the spinal cord, neck, breast and lumbar parts, removal of tumours including malignant ones and other have been arranged.

International Centre of Head and Neck Diseases is an advanced medical facility which doctors are able to receive patients who had injuries during sport competitions around the clock what provides the safety and guarantees full recovery in case of serious injuries.

The Direction of international medical centres located in the southern part of Ashgabat also has International endocrinology and Surgery Centre. Seven-storey building of the centre, consisting of two blocks and designated for timely endocrinology and surgical aid to 300 patients at a time, has endocrinology and surgery departments for 120 and 180 patients accordingly.

The centre uses most advanced methods and equipment from the leading world manufacturers what allows high level of diagnosing and treatment of different injuries and diseases, which can happen during sport competitions.

24-hours work of medical personnel is organized in emergency aid department, small surgery, functional and diagnostic, intensive care and antishock therapy rooms are equipped. The department is provided with portable reanimation and diagnostic apparatuses. The medics have top German and Japanese equipment like potable defibrillator «Nihon Kohden Europe GmbH», mobile artificial breathing device «Oxylog 2000 Plus» and mobile x-ray unit «Mobilett Mira MaxSiemens», multifunctional ultrasound machine «Aplio 500 TUS-A-500/WA» and other.

Together with classic, the most modern methods of treatment including electrical therapy, radial and infrared, laser and microwave therapy using apparatus аппаратов «Endomed», «Curaplus» and «Sonoplus», «Endolaser» and «Radarmed» from Dutch company «Enraf – Nonius» are used in physiotherapy department. There are capabilities for application of magnetic therapy, paraffin and mineral wax, reflexotherapy, darsonvalization, etc. besides, there is a tea room where patients are offered with tea, decoction and potion made from the herbs growing in Turkmenistan.

Surgery department of the Centre with sterilization block includes 13 surgery rooms where three of them for emergency surgery, general surgery and two of orthopaedic, thoracic, plastic surgery and urological rooms each. High technology equipment installed there allows making complex surgical operations.

Patients with surgical pathologies of gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract and other organs of abdominal cavity can receive treatment in surgical department. They also have Japanese video laparoscopic set opening new opportunities for munimal invasive operations.

Arthroscopic device «Karl Stors» from Germany is available for high quality and technological services in orthopaedic department of the centre. It is used for arthroscopic operations on shoulder, ankle and coxal joints to rebuild cartilaginous tissue and ligaments, etc.

Modern Turkmenistan has colossal opportunities for provision of citizens and foreign guests with quality medical services. Sportsmen and guests of Ashgabat 2017 Games can rest assured that in case of emergency they will receive any medical services in Turkmenistan.

However, it is better not to be sick and for that, it is necessary to lead healthy life style and to do sports just like the athletes competing in Ashgabat 2017 Games.