Ï Timely preparation of equipment is the key to the success of farmers

Timely preparation of equipment is the key to the success of farmers

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Timely preparation of equipment is the key to the success of farmers

In Turkmenistan, the preparation for cotton planting is continuing. The full-scale and efficient operation of powerful machinery in the seeding allows to complete this responsible season on time and at a high quality level. 

From this point of view, it is especially noteworthy that, for example, most of the agricultural machinery owned by “Obakhyzmat” production enterprises and Daikhan associations of the etraps of the “Lebapobakhyzmat” production association are currently preparing for the season. To date, more than 310 out of 336 modern 4-row seeders of the HSN – 4BE Pes – 4 type, all 64 cotton seeders of the “Monosem” type, as well as about 20 precision seeders of the “Gaspardo” and “Gansa-31” brands have been technically tested and prepared in Lebap velayat.

It is worth noting that the work on the preparation of agricultural tools for the interrow processing of cotton in the fields of its cultivation is in the final stage. All 66 six-row cultivators “Orthman-8325” and 33 eight-row cultivators “Orthman-8375”, belonging to the production unit “Lebapobakhyzmat”, also about 900 cultivators KHU 4B have been inspected and are ready for the season. 

It is important to note that sufficient spare parts for machinery, seed drills and towing implements have also been prepared, which will be used during the cotton planting campaign if it will be necessary. The required spare parts are mainly produced at the Turkmenabad pilot-plant. Here, the parts manufactured by fusing and casting from plastics, namely polypropylene, also aluminium and cast iron, are characterized by high quality, durability and low production cost. The fact that the farmers of the velayat are well prepared for spring sowing guarantees that they will plant cotton on time and in accordance with the agro technical .standards.