Ï Turkmenistan strengthens the legal framework for hydrometeorological activities

Turkmenistan strengthens the legal framework for hydrometeorological activities

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Turkmenistan strengthens the legal framework for hydrometeorological activities

Within the framework of the UNDP/Green Climate Fund project "Development of the national adaptation planning process in Turkmenistan" with the support of the Ministry of Environment Protection of Turkmenistan, a "Round Table" was held to discuss and present draft by-laws to the Law of Turkmenistan "On Hydrometeorological Activities.

This initiative is part of the project's broader efforts to improve hydrometeorological regulation, improve the effectiveness of data-based solutions, and strengthen national resilience to climate change. The event was held on the basis of the State Hydrometeorological Service of Turkmenistan. It brought together representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Makhtumkuli Turkmen State University, Turkmenistan Airlines, and other interested parties to review draft regulatory documents and provide expert comments.

The round table was aimed at improving hydrometeorological data management and adaptation to climate change impacts. The role of stakeholders in avoiding duplication and gaps in data collection, management and utilization was discussed. 

During the discussion, the importance of cooperation between stakeholders was emphasized. Djoragul Khalbaeva, a lawyer at the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, noted the importance of the joint work of stakeholders and said that hydrometeorological activities play a key role in national development, emergency prevention and increasing resilience to climate challenges. In this context, taking into account different opinions and expert positions will help to create by-laws that not only comply with best practices, but also take into account the unique needs of society and economic sectors.