Ï Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake

Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake

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Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
Thematic exposition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake
In the State Museum proposed an exhibition dedicated to the memory of the victims of the tragic Ashkhabad earthquake. 69 years separate us from the horror that happened to survive the inhabitants of the city on the night, which claimed 160 thousand people lives (2/3 of the population). Ashgabat townspeople survived the earthquake involuntarily divide their lives into "before" and "after" the catastrophe. Every year, survived people are getting less and less but the memory of the victims and witnesses of this tragedy lives in the hearts of all the Turkmen people.

Among the exhibits of the thematic exhibition timed to the Day of Remembrance, a photo of a street clock stopped at the time of the earthquake. Today it looks very symbolic, reinforcing the sense of a tragedy: people led a measured life - someone fell in love, someone was born, someone sat over the notes, someone started the night shift. Suddenly the deadly thrusts turned the city into ruins, covering everything around with a sinister smog.

The vast majority of houses built of adobe bricks with heavy clay roofs, collapsed, unable to withstand the intensity of the earthquake - 9-10 points in the epicenter.

Survived people consider themselves born again. But is it possible to feel happy who lost their relatives and friends, left homeless, without documents, in a city that has been wiped off the face of the earth?!

Story of a woman who survived the earthquake: "The house collapsed and under the rubble was the whole family. How long I lay without movements, I do not remember, in the morning I heard the voice of my brother, who asked me to respond to my father, mother and me. I only the one who responded, crushed by a ceiling beam to the ground. My brother was engaged in weightlifting, so he managed to slightly raise the beam and hold it until I climbed out from under the blockage. Only then, we discovered the extensive bleeding of the abdominal cavity of the brother. Soon he lost consciousness. Hearing my sobbing, a passing woman advised me to take my brother to the city square, where the victims were provided with emergency medical care. I put my brother on the boards, and pushing them, slowly moved towards the square. Then some people gave me a cart and helped to move my brother to it. Soon I began to meet many people who were taking the wounded to the square. A woman in a white coat asked whom I was carrying. I answered her. She helped to pull the cart away and examining my brother, wrinkled her forehead. "What is wrong with him? Will he live? ««You go home, and I'll take care of him, I'll try to transfer him on an airplane to Baku." I walked along the ruined streets without any hope for my brother's recovery. Coming back to the house, or rather to what was left of it, I manually began to rake the blockage. I deliberately chose a place under the hanging ceiling beam, in the hope that there will be a new quake and the beam will fall on my head and immediately stop my unbearable suffering ... ".

At the exhibition, there are many photographs of the destroyed houses, each of which contains an irreparable grief.

Subterranean tremors were felt outside the city. The bright blue fragments of the mosaic represented at the exhibition are part of the decor of the portal of the Annau mosque with the image of two heads of dragon-azhdarkha facing each other. Ashgabat earthquake left a heap of fragments from the mosque, the portal, the artistic depiction of dragons...

Turkmen sculptors often refer to the earthquake topic. The picture of a sculpture of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Saragt Babayev demonstrated at the exhibition features. The author depicted a mighty bull, who shook the land with his horns ... Mother, rescuing a child, raised him high above herself. It is symbolic that the artist gilded the boy, emphasizing that the life of the child is priceless and in a moment of mortal danger, the mother sacrifices herself for the sake of his salvation.

69 years separates us from that tragic night. The Turkmen people revere all those who have been taken away by the ruthless elements. By tradition on October 6 all over the country, funeral repasts will be held and sadaqas will be given in memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake.