At the cultural center of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Turkmenistan, a friendly event was held by the Embassy staff and guests—representatives of science and culture from our country—on the occasion of International Nowruz Day.
In the Embassy's auditorium, exhibitions of exclusive handmade exhibits were set up on both sides—Turkmen and Iranian. The national flags and portraits of the Presidents of our countries gave the event international significance.
At the center of the Iranian exhibition, the main souvenirs for this holiday were displayed—“Haft Sin,” seven plates symbolizing the arrival of Nowruz. Such plates are found in every Iranian family but are only brought out for this holiday. Traditionally, the plates are decorated with images of women preparing delicious dishes.
On the opposite exhibition, a map of Turkmenistan made from glazed ceramics stood out among the tahya from each velayat, original clay jugs, and other items. And both exhibitions were surrounded by paintings by Turkmen and Iranian artists.
The event dedicated to the Nowruz holiday, which has come to us from ancient times, was opened by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Turkmenistan, Ali Mojtaba Rouzbahani. The diplomat noted the pattern of the origin of this holiday in the East. Other Embassy staff highlighted the spiritual values that Nowruz carries for Muslim countries.
Participants from the Turkmen side spoke about the prestige of the Nowruz holiday among our people, which has increased every year since Turkmenistan gained independence. A significant role in this is played by the scientific works of philologists studying the influence of Nowruz on the creativity of classics. The Union of Artists of Turkmenistan and the State Academy of Arts also make a significant contribution to popularizing this holiday by organizing creative exhibitions and competitions for young artists every year.
Following the traditions of hospitality dictated by Nowruz, the event ended with a feast prepared by the Embassy staff, who cooked dishes traditionally served to guests in their homeland. In a warm and friendly atmosphere, the guests and hosts of the celebration praised Nowruz as one of the kindest and most beloved holidays in the East.