Ï Turkmenistan on the way to create one of the promising centers of energy, transportation and humanitarian cooperation in the region

Turkmenistan on the way to create one of the promising centers of energy, transportation and humanitarian cooperation in the region

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Turkmenistan on the way to create one of the promising centers of energy, transportation and humanitarian cooperation in the region

Today, Turkmenistan, which has great potential in the energy, transport and communications sectors, regularly initiates a number of major international and regional projects.

In the future, their implementation will bring out economic and trade cooperation between Central Asian countries and neighboring regions to a modern level, give a powerful impulse to multilateral interregional connections, and lay the foundation of the architecture of the new geo-economic space. Turkmenistan, committed to the principles of peace, good neighborliness and openness, in the modern era, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is invariably follows the foreign policy, which was laid down by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the chairman of the Hulk Maslahaty, Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov.

Turkmenistan's far-sighted, innovative policy, based on the principles of positive neutrality and aimed at developing broad international cooperation, has led to the growing authority of our state on the world stage. Today, Turkmenistan makes an invaluable contribution to the expansion of international cooperation in the energy and transport and communications sectors, which are the most important segments of the global economy and serve as the engine of its development.

The creation of an extensive and secure international energy, transport and communication infrastructure is one of the essential factors of sustainable development. It is no coincidence that these are the most important issues of the modern economy that the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Hero-Arkadag, addressed in his speech at the International Conference "International Year of Peace and Trust: the Role of Interregional Cooperation in ensuring sustainable development."

Taking an active position in the consolidation of general efforts in this direction, including in the UN format and other authoritative international organizations, neutral Turkmenistan initiates and together with foreign partners successfully realizes large infrastructure projects, making a significant contribution to the formation of a combined transport infrastructure on a regional and global scale.

The formation of the most important transport corridors is of great importance not only for the economies of the countries of the region, but also in the context of the implementation of the goals of the revival of the Great Silk Road. All this will undoubtedly have an impact on the further development of humanitarian ties between the Eurasian countries.

It should be remembered that partnership in the humanitarian field is an integral component of interstate relations. Currently, the countries of the region are showing great interest in each other's history and culture. There is no doubt that the successful implementation of energy and other economic projects will contribute to the successful development of productive contacts in the cultural and humanitarian fields, including between scientific and educational centers, cultural figures of the countries of the region.

And the Turkmen people are a people with a rich and ancient culture, who cherish their centuries–old history and pay special attention to preserving and multiplying the invaluable spiritual heritage of their ancestors, reviving wonderful national customs and rituals.

As is known, there are currently more than 1,400 historical and cultural sites on the state register in Turkmenistan, most of which are archaeological sites. Monuments of the world's first farmers such as Gonur depe, Kara depe, Namazga depe, Altyn depe, Jeytun and Annau are located on Turkmen soil.

Original open-air museums are Old Nisa, Ancient Merv, Kunyaurgench, Ancient Dehistan, Ancient Serakhs, Abiverd and Geokdepe Fortress, declared as states historical and cultural reserves. The unique monuments of Ancient Merv, Kunyaurgench and Nisa are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as having universal value.

Referring to the participants of the International Conference, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag noted that "Turkmenistan directly connects the idea of peace and trust with economic development."

In this context, the current year - the “International Year of Peace and Trust” - should give a powerful impetus to economic, cultural, scientific cooperation.

Vera Niyazova,

Senior lecturer at the Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National
Institute of World Languages.