Ï Days of Russian cinema introduced Turkmen people to bright director's and actor's works

Days of Russian cinema introduced Turkmen people to bright director's and actor's works

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The Week of Russian Cinema conduced in Ashgabat, Mary and Dashoguz finished in Turkmenistan today. In the capital were conducted movie screenings in the theaters of "Ashkhabad" and "Turkmenistan". The authors of the Week program presented to the Turkmen spectators the thematic and genre variety of contemporary Russian cinema. All the films run at “full house” notice.

The movie "Anna Karenina opened the program of Days. The story of Vronsky. " The well-known novel of Lev Tolstoy found a continuation in the version of Karen Shahnazarov. Apparently, for Shahnazarov was difficult to come to terms with the tragic death of Anna, so he decided to punish Vronsky, sending him to seek death in the Japanese war. To do this, the director united Lev Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina" with the work of Vikenty Veresaev "In the Japanese War." Accept the director's interpretation or not – is the audience’s decision. However, it is difficult to imagine that after what happened to Anna, Vronsky could enjoy life in high society ... Perhaps after watching the movie of Karen Shahnazarov, viewers are willing to come up with their own version of the novel continuation.

The screen version of the classics of the 19th century is replaced by a theme that could be called fantastic if the events shown in space were not real. The unconventional situation keeps the whole audience in suspense; the spectators have a feeling of belonging to the destinies of two cosmonauts trying to find a way out of a dangerous situation. "The effects are almost Hollywood, and the characters are ours, dearly beloved," the audience appreciated the movie. I think, on this perception of the screen performance counted on its creators.

The viewer enters the first class from the space. The movie "Diary of the Mother of the First grade pupil", in which the most significant events from the life of the first-grader were recorded, became the plot of the picture. And at the end of the school year, after reading the diary, the mother came into perplexity: who would have thought that on the shoulders of the boy Vasya would fall so many problems?! First of all director Andrei Silkin addresses his work to young parents, so that they consciously support their children, who took a school bag in their hands for the first time.

Again is an extreme. This time the action takes place not in space, but on the ground, or rather, in the ice of Antarctica. The movie "Icebreaker" directed by Nikolai Homeriki tells a dramatic story about a team caught in ice captivity. The unbearable cold, fuel at the end, nerves at the limit and every second can be the last in life ... And this is not a fictitious story, but based on real facts.

Moscow airport was the starting point of three movie novels about love. There is no longer the Soviet Union, but for the heroes of the movie living an active life, there are no borders - they fall in love, despite age, nationality and residence. In the movie "No borders" the directors Karen Oganesyan, Rezo Gigineishvili, Roman Prygunov have a lot of positive, there is a sense of speed and creativity.

Movies shown to Turkmen viewers in the framework of the "Week of Russian Cinema", the release of 2015-2017, which makes it possible to compose a full-fledged idea of contemporary Russian cinema and to enjoy the bright directorial and actor's works. Within the framework of the film week were conducted creative meetings with the ambassadors of Russian culture.