Ï The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert

The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert

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The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The Days of Culture of Romania finishes with joint concert
The solemn ceremony of closing the Days of the Culture of Romania in Turkmenistan and the joint concert of the masters of arts took place at Magtymguly National Musical and Drama Theatre.

The exhibition of the decorative and applied arts kept in the “Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum, one of the largest and oldest museum complexes in Europe aroused keen interest among the visitors. In the framework of the official visit of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Romania in May, 2011, the Turkmen leader visited the open-air unique ethnographic complex and wrote an entry to the Book of Guests of Honour. Familiarizing with the exposition, the President of Turkmenistan focused on a number of exhibits testifying to the affinity of the historical roots between the peoples of Turkmenistan and Romania.

The museum hosted the solemn ceremony of opening the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Romania and the exposition of museum collections and the exhibits of the decorative and applied arts of our country in May, 2017.

Opening the exposition, General Manager of the “Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum Paula Popoiu underlined the importance of the cultural event in strengthening the ties of friendship of the two peoples, sharing professional experience and further cooperation in the sphere of culture. “We are far from each other geographically but united by the spiritual affinity that is reflected in the adherence to the original traditions and the preservation of the cultural heritage. The affinity can be observed in the works by the masters of the decorative and applied arts”, said the guest, inviting those present to get acquainted with the exposition.

The exhibition participants could access silver jewelry, carpets with specific Romanian pattern, the samples of weaving, embroidery, pottery, as well as lace tablecloths and napkins, wooden spoons and boxes, decorated with carvings.

The significant part of the vernissage was dedicated to the national women's and men's costumes, including the ones depictured on photos. These exhibits, as the material evidence of the development of the original culture of the Romanians, reflect the beauty and depth of the people's soul, its carefully preserved traditions and customs passed through centuries.

Numerous photos and a video clip presented the samples of the Romanian peasant architecture showcased in the “Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum that unites 76 complexes, 322 buildings, including farms, windmills and wooden mills, earth houses with thatched roofs and originals of ancient rural churches. Today, the Museum includes 60,000 exhibits that tell about the rural life of agrarian Romania in different historical epochs, but also about the country's culture.

The guests also got acquainted with the exhibits of the Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan, the unique artifacts that testify to the ancient history and the richest culture of our people. The cultures of the friendly nations, united by the adherence to the traditions and customs coming from the depths of the centuries, the honour and careful preservation of the historical memory, the heritage of the nation, met on one platform.

The issues of enhancing relations to preserve and popularize the national heritage of the two peoples in the world and conducting joint research and exhibitions were discussed during the meeting with museum specialists, archeologists, artists and art critics, teachers and students of arts universities and journalists. It was mentioned that the work in these areas is of particular significance in our country given that the motto of the year of 2018 is "Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road" and specific tasks set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the revival and deep study of the material and spiritual culture of the nation, further recognition of Turkmenistan as the international scientific and cultural center.

Within the framework of the cultural event, films created by Romanian cinematographers were demonstrated at the Ashgabat Cinema Center.

Romanian soprano opera singer Irina Iordachescu, representing the Romanian vocal school, shared her secrets with the students of the Turkmen National Conservatory at the State Institute of Culture.

In turn, the rich excursion programme provided our guests with the opportunity to get acquainted with the sights of Ashgabat, the museums and cultural centres in the Turkmen capital, the traditions and customs of the Turkmen people.

The participants in the closing ceremony of the Days of the Culture of Romania in Turkmenistan, held at Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theater, expressed their gratitude to the heads of state - Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Klaus Iohannis for the opportunity to organize a creative forum designed to strengthen and enrich the spiritual relations between the two peoples with new content. The delegation of the friendly country thanked all the people of Turkmenistan for the warm welcome.

The programme of the concert of friendship with the participation of the masters of arts of our country and Romanian soprano opera singer Irina Iordachescu included the works from the treasury of the world classical music, Romanian melodies and songs.

The musicians of the State Symphony Orchestra of Turkmenistan and Turkmen singers also performed the works of Turkmen composers, that added the bright pages into the history of the world musical culture. The lyric arias from the revived opera compositions "Shasenem and Garib", "Leyli and Mejnun", "Ayna" among others were warmly greeted by the audience.

The spectators greeted with the storm of applause the soloist of the National Opera of Bucharest, who brilliantly performed the popular classical arias, as well as the Italian canzonet of Ernesto De Curtis, the Spanish "Granada" by Mexican composer Agustín Lara and Romanian folk song.

The evening was spectacularly crowned with the famous "Drinking Song" the most famous duet from Giuseppe Verdi's "La Traviata" performed by the participants of the festive concert.

The audience awarded the talented artists, who demonstrated their desire to make the dialogue between the two peoples even more sincere, warm and open, by the storm of applause.