Ï Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula

Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula

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Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
Natalya Kalugina: scientific and creative search as a life’s formula
At one of the exhibitions, the artist Natalya Kalugina presented not pictures, but a collection of adornment, which she called "Let's make the planet cleaner". The ecological message, and most of the ornaments are made from ordinary plastic bottles, did not affect their originality. The beautiful and stylish accessories made in tastefulness were presented to the audience.

I have been more surprised after visiting Natalya Pavlovna. I was welcomed in the lobby by ancient jugs and artifacts from the history of ancient civilizations - clay crocks from places of archaeological excavations, and on the walls - a gallery of author's works. One of the rooms and a veranda in her apartment are occupied by bookshelves. Natalya Pavlovna explains that her father, Academician Pavel Kalugin, one of the founders of Turkmen geology, collected most of the books.

“Probably, the daughter of a prominent scientist had a fascinating childhood?”

“Not really, - Natalya Pavlovna sadly smiling answers. - I often felt lonely... “

Her mother often left her with father for an expedition, leaving her daughter in the care of a housekeeper. Natasha learned to read early, and the books were her best friends. The girl liked to draw, but her father believed that painting is a bohemian passion, and his daughter must stand firmly on her feet and considered her as an interpreter. Mom wanted her to become a diplomat. This was the reason they hired a tutor in English at the age of 5 and at year of 12 they took French lessons for their daughter. The Latin, German and Turkmen she learned herself.

When Natasha went to school, her education did not bring popularity among her counterparts, the guys distanced themselves from the honors pupil. She sculpted and painted a lot. If other children at this age sculpted from play dough chanterelles and bunnies, she created portraits.

"Once grandmother," remembers Natalya Pavlovna, "after glancing at my hand-made articles, she exclaimed" They are real!" After that, my mother showed my albums with drawings and several samples of modeling to the art teacher who said that there is nothing interesting in them and I should not continue to study the fine arts. I think that my mother's opinion influenced such a decision. I abandoned drawing and modeling for several decades."

Her idol was Leonardo da Vinci, and he, as known, could do everything. Natasha attempted to be like him and learned how to cut into patterns dolls dresses, knit, embroider, even carpentry. The passion for the "Technics of Youth" magazine enabled her in 11-12 years to create a fundamentally new scheme for a submarine-she transferred aft engine to the center and placed it in a pipe for quiet operation, but the body suggested making it transparent to observe the fish. Dad showed her drawing to a distant relative - a marine engineer, but he called Natasha's idea a child's imagination, nothing more. 40 years later in a magazine she read that the Japanese created a similar boat....

When she was fourteen her father died. All relatives and acquaintances unanimously declared that she is obliged to continue his business. She entered the Moscow State University at the Geological Faculty after graduation. She entered into a polemic with the lecturer on the first course that descriptions of the soil sections should be standardized. The teacher did not agree but now scientifically based standards are adopted throughout the world for the description of soil sections, which allow building mathematical models of deposits. This was her second "unrecognized triumph."

After graduating from the university, she enrolled in correspondence department of postgraduate study and ahead of time defended her thesis on "Biochemistry of oil and condensate characteristics in Turkmenistan according to infrared spectrometry data".

"At the time of defense of my doctoral thesis," says Natalya Pavlovna, "I was 34 years old. I went to the hairdresser and asked the master to make me 10 years older, which caused general bewilderment. I explained that I have to defend my thesis before 60-70-year-old scientists, and my youthfulness can do me a disservice. Thus, I went to the defense with a strict hairstyle and in a business suit.

Shortly after Natalya Kalugina was awarded the title of Doctor of Geological Sciences, her two books were published: "Infrared spectrometry technique" and "Infrared spectrometry of oils and condensates". The third book - "Geochemical features of oils and condensates of Central Asia according to infrared spectrometry" was deposited at the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information.

Then came a difficult period in her life and science had to be abandoned. The husband fell seriously ill, she took care of him and his little son. Then Natalya Pavlovna started translations.

- In five years my son Gennady began to paint, - says Natalya Pavlovna. - I showed his abstract drawings to the national artist of Turkmenistan Vladimir Pavlotsky, and he advised not to interfere in his work. Mindful of the parental taboo on my painting, I did not invade his passion and dreamed that he would become an artist. When the moment of a choice of a profession has come, my son has chosen architecture. Then I decided: if my son did not become an artist, it will be me. I bought paint, with ecstasy began to draw, and in 2009 my first exhibition was conducted.

The verdict of the masters of painting was harsh: "Talented but unprofessional." What to do? My age was not going to have art school education, but I did not give up. On the Internet, she found the correspondence school "painting.about.com" of the Scottish teacher Marion Bodi-Evans, who in 4 years mastered the basics of pictorial art, and in 2015 after the fifth solo exhibition became a member of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan.

Natalya Kalugina is a young artist, but she has already loudly announced herself. The most famous of her paintings is the "Shabli-Baba Mausoleum", which depicts the legendary place in the Sumbara Valley, where people come with the hope of healing and the fulfillment of the cherished dream. The appearance of the mausoleum is connected with the legend of unrequited love ... The picture is large - 2х3 meters, written in harmonious yellow-lilac tones. There is a lot of air in the picture, warmed by the sun and filled with the smell of wild flowers, which creates a mood of peace, which is enhanced by the proximity of the holy place.

Natalya Pavlovna Kalugina loves to travel to the picturesque places of her native land. For the artist there is no bad weather, "she believes," and she did not pay attention to inconveniences, being a geologist.

The lyrical picture "Evening in the desert" is written in a gentle pink color, conveying the sun-drenched sand, on which, despite the most severe conditions, a fragile sprout is struggling to live, dropping its shadow on the sand. Perhaps dozens of travelers passed by this plant without even paying attention to it, but Natalya Pavlovna made him the main character of the canvas.

How much humor in the author's view of ordinary mulberry trees. Natalya Pavlovna gave the picture a joking name - "The Procession of the Trolls", and the trees immediately turned into fairy-tale creatures from Scandinavian folk beliefs living in the depths of the mountains. The amazing similarity of the fastidious and disheveled trees with trolls in the picture can not but arouse a smile even among the most serious spectator.

The plot of the painting "The House of My Dreams" reflects Natalya Pavlovna's passion for life, her desire to escape from the city's fuss and plunge into the world of nature that surrounds the country house with the gold of autumn colors. It is quiet, beautiful and fresh here, she is happy, because this is the home of her friends - the couple Kuznetsovs and she is happy here.

The mood "The House of My Dreams" coincides with the picture "The Road to the Temple". A high living fence of reeds and bushes encloses a narrow path, trampled by the feet of numerous pilgrims heading to the mosque. There is no scorching sun, only a light rustling breeze brings the pungent smell of autumn grasses. You want to go on such a road, without feeling tired and enjoying the moments of appeasement.

The work of Natalya Kalugina "Apotheosis of melon" or "Golden melon", which the artist actually painted in gold, is remembered by her originality. Hurdjuns, on which the melon is represented are not bright as usual, but are transmitted in black and white tonality. The Golden Melon is the pride of the Turkmen people for the talent of breeders who managed to bring out the world famous brands of melons and the monotony of the Hurdjon carpet patterns strengthen the author's accent on the "queen of the melons".

Natalya Pavlovna is very successful in portraits. It conveys in them not only the maximum similarity, but also the character, as well as the state of mind of a person. "Portrait of a friend of Maya" was so realistic and characteristic that Natalya Pavlovna decided not to give it away, but to put the houses in a prominent place to feel always the presence of a friend, even when she is not around. Portraits of Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Olga Mammadova, as well as members of the family of Natalya Pavlovna are expressive. She could have succeeded in this genre, but she is drawn by plein air, traveling through familiar and unfamiliar places. Now she is fascinated by making jewelry, in which she is succeeded. A talented person is talented in everything...