Ï Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets

Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets

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Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of circus programme “Salute, the Winners!” reveal professional secrets
Members of the programme “Salute, the Winners!” will share New Year celebrations with Ashgabat residents. The performances are held at the full attendance on the stage of Turkmen State Circus. The stories of Russian circus artists about themselves and the numbers they prepared would be interested for all who watched the performances of Russian artists and those who would have to meet them.

Leader of acrobatic group “Rusichi”, Honoured Artist of Russia Igor Mayorov:

Our group “Rusichi” is 30 years. We have acrobats who came to the group after the army and having worked for 25 years on the stage, retired for deserved rest. It happens in circus that successful numbers are performed for 30, 40 and 50 years. The idea of making folk performance on trampoline came to me in 1980, however I thought over the details, selected the members and worked on design of the costumes for seven years. I learned how to make the bast sandals and taught other acrobats to do this.

We bring the scarecrow of Kostroma Baba. Such scarecrows were used during Pancake celebrations when they were burned out what according to ancient belief protected from the evils.

Мы выносим на выступление чучело Бабы Костромы: такие чучела использовали во время Масленицы. Бабу Кострому сжигали, что по древнему поверью защищало от злых духов.

After the success of the first programme, we made the second comedic and eccentric number “The Rescuers”. I played the role of fat captain with ugly red nose. Funny stupid situations are going on during the action, which are warmly greeted by the audience.

We went around the world having started the trip and ended it in New Zealand. Why do I count it from New Zealand? In my opinion, this is the most unique place on our planet. We saw a lot during our journeys. For example, in 1990, the wall between East and West Berlin feel down during our trip to Germany.

We have been four times in the USA and by the circumstances, every time we had some unpleasant surprises. On our first arrival, I tore my Achilles and having managed to leave the stage went to the hospital for operation.

Our next journey fell on Kathrin Hurricane. We were lucky our group was moved out of the hotel in time as 8 floors of our 35-storey hotel were damaged. However, our language was totally ruined. To sort out the situation we took a loan from the bank, restored our prop and continued the tour.

We were in New York training camp on September 11, 2001. We had a year contract according to which we had to go on tour to Washington D.C. in a week time. Of course, we were next to the smoking ruins of twin towers and laid the flowers in memory of the victims of this horrible terrorist attack.

In 2009, our group took part in Monte Carlo Circus Festival. The impression was grandiose – all celebrities of the circus art gathered in one place. We were awarded with special prize.

How did I get to the circus? I was doing sport gymnastics in my early ages. My father was my coach. After, I graduated Moscow Circus College and I am on the stage since 1977. My son is one of the acrobats of “Rusichi” and two-year old grandson already makes forward rolls. I am happy man – I have managed to prepare two most complicated original programmes and to present them with success in many countries of the world.

Power juggler Sergey Chuzhoy:

I ended up in the circus because of love. When I was studying in trade college in Perm city I liked one of the girls in my group. Once some of the guys brought 16-kg kettlebell. All boys managed to lift it except me and another poor guy. I was flaming with shame as that girls that I dreamed of was the witness of my shame. Since that moment I decided that I need to change something and went to the studio of Perm National Circus “The Youth”.

It is worth mentioning that I had poor health in my childhood, however after doing all possible sports like power lifting, gymnastics and acrobatics I grew up stronger and the consciousness that I can do things that other people cannot do gave me the confidence.

Once, my performance in the group of Perm National Circus was noticed and highly appreciated by Yuri Nikulin. But soon the perestroika started and everybody including myself went into business… I don’t know what would my future life would be if I wouldn’t receive the offer from Yuri Nikulin to work in the Circus at Zvetnoy Boulevard. I have worked 6 months as per my contract on National artist salary. It was a gift of fortune to me as the stage of Moscow circus was good school for professional growth.

I transferred from the Zvetnoy Boulevard Circus to Russian State Circus and travelled all across Russia. In Nizhniy Novgorod, I met the dancers of gipsy band “Shatritza” and started to work with them since 1997. I have learned a lot from this talented people – I acquired their gipsy enthusiasm, the manner of rapid transfer from one melody to another. We travelled around the world with “Shatritza” ensemble and the success followed us everywhere.

How did I meet my wife? This is the best page of my life. Once, I was asked by 17-year old girl to give an interview. She was the entrant of journalism faculty of Moscow State University. During our conversation about the dances, Kristina showed professional knowledge and explained that the she graduated ballet school. We started to write to each other. In those times, people who liked each other still wrote the letters. Kristina graduated from Moscow State University and entered M. Gorky Literature Institute. After, when we got married, the circus became the main thing in her life. That is why it can be confidently stated that Kristina Chuzhaya is the only air gymnast with ballet and two high humanitarian educations.

I always worry about her, especially when she makes a trick with the loop around her neck. I try to discourage her from this number but it is impossible to change her mind. We have a wish to make joint number and still think over it.

I have celebrated 35 years of circus carrier and I am happy with my life. I have my beloved woman next to me and my art brings the joy to people.

Exotic animals’ trainer Marina Rudenko:

I came to the circus as air gymnast but this circus profession has strict age limitations. I realized that I would not be able to leave the stage. That is why I started to train myself to new genre – the work with exotic animals.

The leopard was the first foster in our circus family. It was 10 years ago. I named sweet boy Leo. After one month, when he got better acquainted with me I let him out of the cage and we started to prepare the number. After three year, the leopard cat refused new-born cub in Rostov zoo. I had to take it with me, fed it with goat milk and slept in one bed. My daughter, who is also circus artist, was offended and told me that I love Joy more than her. I calmed her down saying that I love them both the same.

Joy is very talented actor. We rehearsed the trick on the swings with it. It is very risky for leopard as the swinging at height may raise the wish to jump by the instincts.

After we had the albinos python, who now is 60 kg what makes me difficult to perform with him but the number is liked by the public a lot.

We have Nile crocodile who received the most common name for the crocodile – Gena. However, it was checked by the specialists and found out that it is not make but female and we started to call it Gennadyevna. After it, we got another female crocodile – little Masha, the one that wide opens its mouth in my performance.

The crocodiles are famous with their appetite, however they it only once a week. They get 3 kg of meat, it might be chicken, rabbit or fish, from me on each Monday.

The reptiles are thermophile animals. Their bodies are covered with horny scales protecting them from the excess of sun but they do not have any protection from cold and I keep the crocodiles and pythons in special tubs where I keep comfort temperature of 28 degrees for them.

For sure, I cannot teach the crocodiles and pythons to make flips or rolls as this is against their nature. However, their appearance itself gives rise to special feelings of the audience as it is rare case when one can see the python or crocodile next to human. That is why I built my performance on the subject of dangerous journey to Ancient Egypt where exotic animals can be met everywhere.