Ï Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas

Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas

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Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas
Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas
Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas
Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas
Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas
Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas
Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas
Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas
Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas
Saparmammed Meredov: poetry is in the context of the canvas
The solo exhibition of the works by Saparmammed Meredov dedicated to the artist's 65th birthday became a notable event in the cultural life of the capital.

The artist presented the best works created by him in different years and most vividly characterizing his creative path. The graphic paintings was the particular success.

Saparmammed Meredov began to write friendly caricatures in his student years, while achieving a striking similarity with the original. One of them is represented at the exhibition - this is a somewhat horizontally stretched portrait of Haji Atakgaev.

Over time, portraits replaced caricatures. "The portrait of Annadurdy Muradaliev" is interesting. Saparmammed Meredov painted a wonderful Mary artist with red balls, the very ones who, according to Annadurdy words, "ask for the canvas", and in fact became the hallmark of his work.

The benevolent face of the national artist of Turkmenistan, Annadurdy Almammadov, is depicted against the backdrop of mountain ranges takes an important place in the art of the painter. The valuable asset our jubilee is to notice the characteristic details.

The famous Turkmen portrait, the painter Durdy Bayramov recognized by the spectators by an open face with merry sparkling eyes. Openwork shadows frame the collar of his shirt. In the background, clean canvases, white squares surrounding the artist, ready to embody a new plot.

There are two self-portraits of the jubilee among the graphic works. Although the time, as usual, left an imprint on the appearance of the artist, self-portraits are quite recognizable and accurately convey the character of the author - delicate and kind.

Graphic works of Saparmammed Meredov are characterized by a special author's technique, which he constantly improves, achieving the embodiment of the idea.

The artist was born in the Archman village. Ability to draw appeared in the school. He accurately copied from the pages of books and magazines portraits of Makhtumkuli, Mollanepes, Gorogly ... Surprised teachers and classmates asked to draw more and more. So appeared portraits of Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Pushkin, Lermontov, who decorated the walls of school cabinets. And after the 8th grade, having collected the drawings in a folder, Saparmammed Meredov went to enter the art school.

The admission committee did not accept his copy. Ten days remained until the completion of the acceptance of the documents. Discouraged boy returned home and began to learn the letter from life. It's good that the countryside is rich in beautiful places. The young man drew endless fields that were flying beyond the horizon, sporting horses, a rooster who climbed to the wattle fence...

This time the folder with drawings was accepted, but the entrant from the village of Archman was enlisted in the ceramic department. Because of the service in the Army, studies at the art school were interrupted for two years. The rookie Meredov got to the Far East, to the surprisingly beautiful Ussurisk region. Upon finding out that a drawing soldier appeared in the military unit, he was immediately involved in decorating work.

Returning after the service to study, Saparmarmed was carried away by the creation of friendly cartoons, which he gave to fellow students and acquaintances. Although the student Meredov's heart always gravitated towards painting, his diploma ceramic work "Tea Party" was so good that it was sent to EEA.

From 1977 to 1990 - the time of additional education in the Moscow creative group. He went for the first time to work with artists from different socialist countries on the advice of Eugenia Adamova. He invariably all subsequent years participated in the work of the "art laboratory" communication with colleagues as it was useful for creative growth.

He was elected chairman of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan in 2012. Public work, which he actively leads - the organization of exhibitions, overseas business trips, participation in forums - is interesting, but it takes a lot of time. But if you want to create, says Saparmammed Meredov, you find time. Therefore he wakes up very early, dedicating the morning hours for painting.

The painting "Gelinler", which depicts three young beautiful women, carrying two huge cauldrons, stands out among his works. You can feel their exiting from the approach of the celebration, to which all the villagers will be invited. The picture accentuates the audience's perception on the emotional state of the heroines. Composite laconism enhances the color saturation of the canvas, and warm color nuances convey the atmosphere of the holiday.

The triptych "My Motherland" is characteristic for Saparmammed Meredov's painting, where the artist sings Turkmen nature, whether it's a sea painted in the sunset or an endless green steppe in contact with the azure sky. In order to emphasize this immensity, the artist introduces into the picture living characters - three flying over the sea gulls, or a rider jumping over the lush grass. The voluminous space full of air and harmony, testify to the artist's admiration for the poetic beauty of his native land.