Ï In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan

In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan

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In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan
In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan
In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan
In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan
In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan
In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan
In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan
In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan
In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan
In the Museum of Fine Arts was opened an exposition dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan
The exhibition "The Great Silk Road - the Road of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation" was opened in the Museum of Fine Arts. The first visitors of exhibition were representatives of the scientific and creative clerisy, students of the Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan, the public, the media.

The Museum conducts many thematic events - exhibitions, including mobile ones, contests, quizzes, lectures timed to various significant dates in the life of the state and addressed primarily to the youth audience. This tradition will be multiplied this year.

The exhibition opens a thematic cycle dedicated to the motto of 2018 "Turkmenistan is the heart of the Great Silk Road" as the organizers noted. The deputy director of the museum, art critic Jennet Karanova, noted that the exposition allows tracing the evolution of the cultural traditions of the Turkmen people and its historical path through the prism of works of fine, folk, and applied art. The expositions is also tracing archeological artifacts, from its terracotta figurines from the settlement of the Bronze Age Altyn-depe found by Academician Mihail Masson, before the computer reconstruction of unique archaeological sites.

One of the central places in the exhibition is the canvas of Honored Art Worker, Chairman of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan Saparmammed Meredov "Window to the Past". It depicts the famous archeologist, honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan Victor Sarianidi, who for almost forty years excavated an outstanding monument of the Bronze Age - the city of Gonur depe, the capital of the ancient and powerful Margush kingdom recognized by scientists as one of the centers of world civilization.

The art part of the exhibition was about a hundred works. These are graphic paintings by Z.Soltanmuradov, watercolor drawings and pencil sketches by Y.Daneshvar, samples of oil painting by H.Rejepov, A.Hudayberdyev, N.Chervyakov, People's Artist of Turkmenistan D.Bayramov, dedicated to the traditions and crafts of the Turkmen people. An interesting selection of images of medieval architectural objects: G.Nurlyev "Ensemble of the mosque Anau", A.Kuliyev "Nisa", V.Artykov "Archaeologists Karakumov". The works of the people’s artists of Turkmenistan Ch. Amangeldyev and A. Hajiev represent the portrait gallery of historical figures. The canvases of Ya. Oraznepesov “The felt maker” and of Ya. Annanurov "Weaver" are dedicated to the people’s mistress of the country.

The ancient jewelry, ceramic products from China and India, sculptural compositions, chasing and carpet cloths is widely presented at the exhibition.

The interest of visitors invariably attracts the canvas of the artist-traveler of the second half of the XIX century Richard Sommer, which depicts a trading caravan. The work of Aihan Hadjiev "Everything flows, everything changes" is permeated with philosophical imagery, where the elder, sitting on a camel, looks at the Karakum and reflects on how the life changed where the first caravan crossed the desert in search of the unknown ...

Charymurat Saryev, the People's Artist of Turkmenistan, the master of monumental painting is among the guests of the exhibition. Ashgabat residents are well aware of his original and colorful mosaic panels, decorating houses and administrative buildings. Another creative credo of Charymurat is portraits of outstanding historical figures. This year he plans to create a number of mosaic portraits of famous Turkmen writers.

The exhibition allows to make a journey along unique historical routes, the reconstructions of archaeological monuments of various epochs known not only in our country but also far beyond its borders: mosques Seyit Jemalleddin in Anau, the capital of the Parthian kingdom - Nisa, the mausoleum of Il-Arslan, the minaret of Kutlug-Timur .

This year's motto "Turkmenistan is the heart of the Great Silk Road" gives an excellent opportunity to enrich our knowledge about the history and culture of the country. It also gives the opportunity to realize the contribution of the Turkmen people into development of the world civilization, to expand the international humanitarian dialogue, to acquaint foreign guests with the mental values and the richest layer of folk art. The current exhibition, which opened an educational cycle aimed at popularizing the richest national heritage, is a vivid confirmation of this.