Ï Ashgabat citizens to know Belarusian cultural traditions

Ashgabat citizens to know Belarusian cultural traditions

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Vice-premier A. Garadjayev, who supervises the sphere of culture, informed about the preparation for the creative action at the government session. As it was mentioned, Days of Belarusian Culture are held in accordance with the Program of Cooperation for 2017-2020 between the Ministries of Culture of the two countries and timed to the 25th anniversary of the Turkmen-Belarusian diplomatic relations.

The program of Days includes a concert of masters of Arts of the Republic of Belarus, exhibitions, movie screenings and meetings of creative intellectuals.

Having heard the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of the forthcoming cultural action in the further strengthening of friendship and cooperation between the peoples of the two countries and ordered to ensure a high level of its conduct.