Ï Objectives of integrated development of cultural sphere in 2018 are the subject of profile conference

Objectives of integrated development of cultural sphere in 2018 are the subject of profile conference

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The Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan held the conference “Turkmenistan – the Heart f the Great Silk Road”. Representatives of non-government organizations, mass media, cultural personnel and arts masters, students took part in the forum.

The participants highlighted that the slogan of 2018 “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” reflects the concept of modern development of the country, which is based on centuries-old historical experience, cultural traditions, rich spiritual heritage and human values.

Special attention during the conference was paid to the popularization of the phenomenon of the Silk Route as a factor connecting the nations and cultures. This subject was comprehensively revealed in the book of the Head of the State “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” based on the facts of national history, extracts from ancient legends and stories and modern events in the country.

From the times primordial, Turkmen people were famous by rich traditions of hospitality, which gain new features in our days, having absorbed the innovations in tourism industry, the participants noted. Historical and cultural originality and the richest national heritage including the world-famous Turkmen carpets and ahalteke horses, ancient monuments and unique natural ecosystems allow the country improving its international rating in this sphere.

Journey along the Silk Route, which facilities include open air museums like Ancient Merv, Kunyaurgench and ancient Nisa strongholds included to the UNESCO World Heritage List is one of the most popular directions. The trips to Anau, Dehistan, Gonur-depe - the centre of legendary Margiana, as well as architectural complex Myane-baba, ancient settlements of Abiverd, Kone Kaahka and Amul, Alamberdar Mausoleum, Dayahatyn caravansary, Shasenem, Diayrbekir, Yzmykshir (Zamakhshar) fortresses leave unfrgetable impressions of the tourists. Modern architectural sightseeing of white-marble capital of our Motherland – Ashgabat, number of which was entered to the Guinness World Records Book, resort pearl of the country – Avaza National tourist zone located on ecological friendly Caspian Coast and other give rise to the great admiration.

The fact that independent neutral Turkmenistan turned into one of the largest scientific centres and the place of scientific conferences on historical science is undisputable. Number of these conferences included the aspects of study of the Silk Route to the scope of discussed subjects as a unique occurrence in the world history that connected dozens of states by trade, informational and cultural contacts. It was not only the good that were transport by the caravans but the knowledge as well and active interchange of culture, spiritual values, discoveries, working practices and crafts secrets was going on along this route.

In this regard, the importance of the State programme for scientific and research works and excavations of historical and cultural monuments located in Turkmenistan along the Silk Route, study and popularization of cultural heritage in 2018 – 2021 was noted. This Programme stipulates the development of cooperation with foreign scientific and research centres, study of different issues of archaeology, architecture and history, integrated restoration works and other.

Important objectives on integrated development of cultural and mass media spheres are outlined in the Work Plan of cultural sphere in 2018 that was approved by the Head of the State at the last session of the Cabinet of Ministers. This document stipulates specific measures for popularization of national culture and arts, improvement of museums and libraries work, activity of mass media including on improvement of the quality, content and artistic performance of TV and radio programmes and news.

As is known, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed the idea on organization of international rally from Amul to Hazar along the Silk Route as well as running marathon and other sport competitions. Foreign participants of the rally will be able not only to familiarize with the heritage of Turkmen nation but also to see new life that comes to these legendary places with fundamental social and economic changes, scientific and technical progress and industrial development of the regions of the country, which consolidates its role of important transportation hub of the Silk Route in modern age.

The Great Silk Road is considered to be one of the successful achievements of ancient civilization. First in human history, it opened the wide way for unification of the nations on huge space from Europe to China, their cooperation in different directions. This connection was made via Central Asia, particularly via Turkmenistan.