Ï Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles

Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles

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Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
Mukams Palace hosted a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles
In the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Center, it was held a solemn opening ceremony of the Culture Days of the Republic of Belarus in Turkmenistan. Large-scale campaign is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations and held in accordance with the Cooperation Programme for the 2017-2020 period between the relevant ministries of the two states.

Distinctive features of the Turkmen-Belarusian trust and open dialogue are a deep mutual respect, a shared vision of partnership prospects, meeting the cardinal interests of the two countries.

In this context, active cooperation of states is revealingly in cultural and humanitarian sphere, based on the Turkmen and Belarusian peoples’ commitment to the national spiritual values, preserving their unique traditions.

In recent years, many joint campaigns were carried out in the sphere of culture, rich experience of the humanitarian cooperation was accumulated. Looking back, it was widely and solemnly celebrated in Belarus the 290th anniversary of great poet, the classicist of Turkmen literature, Makhtumkuli Fraghi, whose works have been translated into the Belarusian language. The representatives of our country participated in the 21st Minsk International Book Exhibition-Fair. The State Circus of Turkmenistan and the “Galkynysh” equestrian group toured with great success in the Belarusian capital.

In turn, culture workers of Belarus have repeatedly represented the art of their country in international exhibitions and festivals in Turkmenistan. The legendary ensemble “Syabry” and the other “stars” of Belarusian music appeared on the stages of Ashgabat concert halls. The Museum of Fine Arts displayed exhibits from the collections of the largest Belarusian museums.

It becomes a tradition to hold events in the framework of Culture Days with participation of famous bands and musicians, representatives of museums and mass media, facilitating communication of the masters of creative workshops, increase of their knowledge about the culture of friendly nations.

The same aims are pursued by the current action – the first major international event of 2018 – the year, which motto is “Turkmenistan – the heart of the Great Silk Road” reflects the concept of modern development of the Turkmen state, based on centuries-long historical experience, rich spiritual heritage of the nation and universal values.

A representative delegation of artists and masters of arts of Belarus arrived in Ashgabat for holding the creative forum. The solemn ceremony of the opening Days was attended by the heads and workers of culture, art colleges, diplomatic missions accredited to Turkmenistan, mass media, youth of the capital.

Guests, gathered were welcomed by Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Yatsko, noting great value of the current campaign in the strengthening of friendly relations between the two brotherly peoples, their spiritual enrichment.

Then the Turkmen side was awarded a donation certificate of facsimile edition of the “Book heritage Francis Scorina” to the State Library of Turkmenistan, which was dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Belarusian and Eastern Slavonic book printing. A 22-volume collection presents the works, introducing a valuable layer of Belarusian history and culture.

Ceremony participants expressed gratitude to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko for the progressive policy, promoting the development of full-scale interstate dialogue, and the opportunity, afforded to create a gorgeous festival of art.

Upon completion of the solemn part, it was held a concert of popular Belarusian performers and ensembles.

Performance of the State Academic Dance Ensemble of the Republic of Belarus under the guidance of renowned choreographer, director, fine art expert, People’s Artist of the country Valentin Dudkevich opened a gala show.

The oldest professional dance group is preparing to celebrate its 60th anniversary. In spite of its age, the ensemble is young and full of creative plans. And the audience of tonight’s concert could be convinced in that, being fascinated by different style and genre productions, original dancing, bright costumes, and beautiful melodies.

The wisdom and originality of the folk art reflected the composition of the “Kupalinka” folklore group under the leadership of People’s Artist of the Republic of Belarus Elena Telkova. Being a laureate of international contests and festivals, team sees its mission in the revival and popularization of folk art and traditions of the Belarusian people. The repertoire of the ensemble is cheerful and lyrical songs with a unique national humor that were performed today on the stage of the Mukams Palace.

With special enthusiasm and friendly applause, audience greeted the creative gifts of guests – song of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Ak güllerim saňa” (“My white flower for you”), performed by the “Kupalinka” group as well as a popular Turkmen song “Aily Agsham” (“Lunar night”). Belarusian musicians prepared their surprise – “Turkmen melodies” as well.

The Turkmen citizens warmly welcomed the longtime friend of our country People’s Artist of Belarus Anatoly Yarmolenko – the permanent artistic director of the “Syabry” ensemble. For years, legendary team regales listeners with its creativity, combining tradition and modernity. Vocal skill and sincerity of execution made the band nationally known and truly loved.

The repertoire of “Syabry” contains both songs new and familiar to many generations of pop art fans: “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”, “Alesya”, “Belarus”... To the loud applause, audience greeted melodic folk and modern songs, narrating the Belarusian land beauty, love and friendship. The striking video sequence, dedicated to the picturesque nature of the brotherly country, complemented them.

A song, inviting to visit Belarus, completed the concert. For a long time, the audience did not let artists off the stage, by hot ovation thanking them for a creative evening.

In the framework of the Culture Days, in the Mukams Palace lobby it was opened an exhibition of Belarusian Telegraph Agency – “Belarus-2017”. Its exhibition presents more than forty works of BelTA correspondents, depicting the country’s modern life in its various aspects: important political events of the past year, achievements in industry, social and tourism sectors. Individual photos reflect landmarks in the development of the Turkmen-Belarusian relations.

Great attention in the works is paid to the artistic and historical heritage. Visitors’ interest is also aroused by bright landscape shots, presenting a unique and picturesque corners of Belarus, reflecting the beauty and uniqueness of its nature.

Tomorrow, on January 25, the State Library of the State Cultural Center will host a meeting of representatives of the creative workshop of the two countries. The “Ashgabat” Cinema Center will screen the Belarusian films.

For guests, it is prepared a rich tour program around the Turkmen capital and its sights, acquaintance with historical and cultural heritage of our people.