Ï Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert

Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert

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Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
Days of Belarusian culture ended by a joint concert
The ceremonial closing of the Days of the Republic of Belarus Culture was held in Turkmenistan. The holiday ended with a concert of Belarusian and Turkmen artists under the arches of the majestic Palace of Mukams. A large-scale creative action reflected the desire of fraternal peoples and their leaders Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Alexander Lukashenko to further develop friendly ties with deep historical roots and good traditions.

Various events held within the framework of the forum significantly expanded the contacts of the two countries in the humanitarian sphere. Ashgabat residents and guests of the capital got acquainted with the variety of folk customs, modern choreographic and musical art of Belarus. The photo exhibition, which tells about the present day of the friendly country, aroused a great interest. There was also a show of films produced by Belarusfilm studio. Among them - the drama "Volki", shot in 2009 by the director Alexander Kolbyshev based on the novel by Alexander Chekmenev and awarded prizes of film festivals, as well as the film in the genre of fantasy "Ryzhik v Zazerkal'ye" (2011) directed by Elena Turova.

The Days of Culture of the Republic of Belarus in Turkmenistan resulted not only in a number of creative events, but also in the interested communication of colleagues, which is extremely important for the further development of multifaceted cooperation.

A significant moment was the handing over of the facsimile edition of "The Book Heritage of Francis Skorin" to the State Library of the State Cultural Center. The preparation of the 22-volume collected works was timed to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Belarusian and East Slavonic printing, and this very event of world significance is on the calendar of UNESCO's memorials. The publication presents works of 1517-1522. From now on, this unique collection, acquainting with the valuable layer of the history and culture of the fraternal people, will be available to Turkmen readers.

In the main book depository of the country a meeting was held with the contributor to the Belarusian magazine «Polymya», poetess Julia Aleichenko, known for her translations of Turkmen authors. She told the audience about the publications of this magazine, dedicated to Turkmen writers, saying that about two dozen works of our compatriots have been published in Belarus and the literary cooperation has been successfully continued.

At the same time, the guests were given the opportunity to get acquainted with the trends of development of Turkmen culture and art, visit new profile objects, museums of the capital. A visit to the State circus was also organized for the Belarusian delegation, where the performance of the renowned collective «Turkmendzhigitleri» took place.

With special enthusiasm, the cultural figures of the friendly country spoke about visiting the Akhal Valley. Here, the Turkmen aul with many yurts was located, the owners of which hospitably invited Belarusian friends to the dostarkhans (laid table with refreshments), treated them with freshly baked churek (national bread) and national dishes. In addition, there were original master classes of musicians, and incendiary ritual dances united the representatives of the art of the two countries into one amicable round dance.

The creative union found its continuation today in a joint concert on the stage of the Mukams Palace. It was preceded by the closing ceremony of the cultural event.

During the celebration, the participants expressed their gratitude to Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Alexander Lukashenko for the ongoing policy of broad international cooperation, promoting the development of national cultures, establishing fruitful contacts between representatives of the creative intelligentsia of the two countries. It was noted that the Days of Culture of the Republic of Belarus in Turkmenistan will long remain in the memory of their participants, who met the warmest welcome on our land.

The program of the friendship concert followed then included Turkmen and Belarusian folk songs, modern pop music, folklore compositions. Artists exchanged creative gifts, demonstrating their high performing skills.

Bright paints gave to the representation the Turkmen dance of kushtdepdi, which became a kind of visiting card of our culture, because it reflected the depth of its ancient roots, originality and extraordinary positive energy. This action swirled in its enticing maelstrom of all participants of the concert, forcing admiring spectators to applaud for a long time to talented artists.

The successful holding of the creative forum reflected the aspiration of the Turkmen and Belarusian peoples to strengthen friendship, historical contacts and promote interaction in the sphere of culture.