Ï Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four

Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four

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Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
Umarov’s family: the talent multiplied by four
In the capital's exhibition center was launched a personal exhibition of the pictural and decorative works of the Umarov’s family, which attracted great interest among the fans of the talent of Rahman and Dilber Umarovs, as well as their daughters - Hijran and Jeyran.

Rahman Umarov's works acquainted with different periods of the artist's work, which allowed to trace how the author's style was formed, evolved: he is in art and art in him. The painting "The Wheel of Life" attracts by philosophical imagery, which brought great fame to Rahman. On the old arbah keep the path of four women: elderly, middle-aged, young and girl, carefree blowing dandelion parachutes. A moving arba is probably a metaphorical symbol of the life path. Four heroes personify the stages of fate and the connection of generations. The little girl in the work "Tenderness" kisses the horse. It is so touching that, it seems that after the girl and Alabai kisses the graceful Akhalteke horse. Tenderness, which reproduces the plot of the canvas, charges the viewer with positive energy.

"A little girl is not accidentally a frequent character in my work," says Rahman Umarov. – On my own eyes grew up two daughters at the same age, who suggested themes for future paintings and with great pleasure posed for me.

To this exhibition, the artist prepared a new work "In a world of dreams." Young attractive woman in red attire looking at a nearby flower standing in a pot, dreaming of something pleasant. Today, she is as this flower is filled with life-giving energy, but years will pass, and her beauty will fade. Originally, Rahman Umarov called the painting "Youth", but later changed the name. It is common for Rahman to think together with his picturesque characters about the phenomena and objects that surround us, searching for philosophical overtones in them. In the picture "Asudalyk" a pair of white geese fly low over a pond, on the unruffled surface of which is reflected poplar. A gentle palette of colors, harmonious color transitions and the poetry of the smudge give a sense of peace.

With the paintings of Rahman coexist the works of his wife Dilber Umarova. Her original and charming ceramic figures leave no one indifferent. Each work of Dilber is a mini-story about villagers, in which the nuances and mood of the characters are subtly conveyed. For example, the composition "On the Long Road," where two travelers, tired, drunk tea with a flat cake and, according to Muslim tradition, appreciates the Almighty for the power of the meal. Before them, Sachak with churek pieces, carefully folded into a neat bundle, and a teapot ... It is nothing unusual. However, the villagers turned out so touching that you want give a smile to them.

"Once I saw at bazaar an old man who trades in telpecs," says Dilber, "he literally fascinated me. I remembered his posture and molded the figure out of the clay, giving it a fierce look. The work " Telpek seller " emotionally hits the target and was liked by everyone who saw it. Therefore, at the exhibition, I presented an expanded composition of "Telpek Traders", whose characters are some old men who enjoy bazar not so much from commerce as from the emotions of the oriental bazar.

My family from Samarkand and grew up surrounded by archeological artifacts. Fragments of medieval earthenware made an indelible impression on me and to comprehend the secrets of this art was my dream. Therefore, after graduation, I entered the ceramics department of the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute. Rahman studied at the department of painting. My ceramic figures, which were exhibited at student exhibitions, were very popular with him; I was in admiration for his paintings. It so happened that professional interest laid the foundation for family relations. Now we have two adult daughters who graduate from the State Academy of Arts, and a son studying in China for a sports doctor. The girls followed our example, Rahman and I enjoy their success in creativity.

The Umarovs daughters are very talented. The work of the student of the design department of Jeyran Umarova "Unity" was first exhibited among the best works in the gallery of the Academy of Arts, and then replenished the exposition of the Museum of Fine Arts. Performed in the technique of batik, she conveys the images of beautiful women, in the hands of one a white dove is a symbol of peace. This is a rare case when the student's work brought the author wide popularity.

You will not refuse Jeyran in fantasy and mischief, clearly expressed in "Human emotions" - a work that aroused the increased interest of the youth audience. From the eggshell, Jeyran built a group of dandelions on the field, each egg covered with a lid from a plastic bottle painted under a skullcap. Most importantly, the little flowers smiled, laughed, winked, frowned, frowned, became angry, frightened, etc. Jeyran this way conveyed the emotions range.

The beginning artist laid out a bright still life from the paper, folded accordion, attracting attention with its colorfulness, volume and originality.

Creativity Hijran is much closer to the credo of her father: she is a painter. However, if Rahman philosophically looks at the world around him, his daughter fixes events that are passed through emotional sensations. For example, her work "In the bus." The lightness and sincerity with which Hijran Umarova approached its creation are transmitted from cheerful students on the canvas to the audience. The plot translates the pulsation of our time and radiates optimism.

The canvas of Hijran "Champion", on which the intense moment of the game of the billiard player Begench Djumaglyjov is interesting. Hijran chose an unusual foreshortening from the bottom up, successfully used the dominant green color, but most importantly - reliably transferred the ultimate assembly of the athlete in the decisive match. In the work "Birthday», the young artist fully demonstrated non-standard creative thinking, depicting ... a large number of shoes waiting for the owners in the hallway and giving the chance to think out the development of the plot. However, a fifth-year student can also be academically accurate, as in the great easel painting "Evening of Music", whose hero is the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Atageldy Karagdiyev, performing under the accompaniment of the famous pianist Vladimir Mkrtumov.

In the Umarov family are four bright talented artists, each of which has his own unique creative handwriting. In conversation, Jeyran Umarova said: "... if our father was not a painter, it's unlikely that my sister and I would become artists ...". The main merit of Rahman and Dilber is that they did not try to direct the creativity of their daughters, thus giving the opportunity to realize their stylistic preferences.

The Umarovs' family is a creative laboratory in which individuality and originality are the main criteria for cultivation, it is a quartet in which no one strives to solo, but enriches polyphonic harmony and creates wonderful works, acquaintance with which expands our perception of the world and gives a palette of vivid emotions.