Ï Souvenirs with the national color

Souvenirs with the national color

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Numerous guests, visiting Turkmenistan, familiarize with life and culture of the country with great interest. Besides bright impressions, most of them take away souvenirs with the national color – creations of masters of the decorative and applied art. A large assortment of them is offered in specialized shops.

Cultural traditions of the Turkmen people trace back to centuries. From time immemorial, practically all kinds of the applied and decorative art as artistic treatment of wood and metal, ceramics, carpet-weaving, embroidery, and knitting… have been developed. Ancient traditions of the national art are carefully preserved by modern masters. In their productions, they use traditional patterns and creatively treat them in accordance with the present requirements of design, successfully find new artistic techniques.

Traditionally, the carpet articles of Turkmen handicraftswomen enjoy special success. The workmanship of the carpet-weaving art carried through centuries is carefully preserved and developed. Souvenirs – small carpets, handbags, purses, cushions, cases for mobile phones, being produced at the factories of the “Turkmenhaly” State Joint-Stock Corporation, are executed in the best traditions of this art. The artistic knitting is also extremely popular in Turkmenistan. Beautiful scarves, tiny key rings, national socks from many-coloured wool differ by rich color and strict ornaments. The assortment of knitted articles is extremely diverse and a customer could surely find a souvenir to his\her mind.

The artistic embroidery also presents one of the ancient kinds of Turkmen handicraft. It is characterized by style and expressiveness of performance. The works of the Turkmen embroideresses are unusually harmonious according to the gamut; favorite colors are red, blue, white, and green, yellow but of more subdued tints as compared with colors typical of carpets. The headwear – “tahya”, collar of shirt or dress are embroidered with beautiful geometric patterns, which outlines are often urged to protect their owner from the evil eye. These articles also became original souvenirs.

The jewelry art played a special role in life of the Turkmen people, which has the expression of original artistic taste, imagination about beauty. Jewelry articles were at a premium. The number of their names reaches 60, mostly – traditional women’s silver decorations. All of them were richly decorated with cornelian and turquoise, complicated ornaments reminding the plants. Numerous variations in the structure of modern jewelry articles, original interpretation of the traditional shapes attach them deep nationality and originality. Owing to it, the articles of Turkmen masters are also combined with the national costume and modern dress. Turkmen jewelry articles are beautiful, fine and original and gain greater popularity.

The local masters passed from generation to generation the secrets of wood treatment. Since middle ages, most of structures were adorned with columns, panels, which surface was fully covered with complicated carving, combining the geometric and vegetable elements, scripts. The artistic treatment of wood is also inseparably linked with the art of making musical instruments, the famous Turkmen dutars, which differ by amazing sound and fine shape. At present, the art of the artistic wood treatment finds more admirers; and artists more frequently turn to this “warm”, astonishingly beautiful material. On the counters of the souvenir shops, it is possible to see pleasant statuettes, key rings and toys of wood. Ceramic souvenirs, neighbor to them, also occupy the worthy place. According to the researches of archeologists, the history of pottery numbers thousands years in Turkmenistan.

Souvenirs in more modern format - cuddly toys are also at a premium among guests of our country. Figures of horses, camels are adorned with embroidery, and smart harness; in a word, they appear before foreigners in all their beauty ready for holiday. Fine dolls in the national garment are particularly beautiful. At that, all details of costumes have been delicately observed. It is the result of laborious work of the masters.

Souvenir from Turkmenistan spread far of its bounds, telling those, who would happen to meet with them about rich country of many faces, generous for talents and cordiality.