Ï Mollagara, granting the joy of cure

Mollagara, granting the joy of cure

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The last Saturday, July 21, became really historical for “Mollagara” resort, healing the people during many decades and well-known beyond the borders of Turkmenistan. It was solemnly opened a whole complex of new buildings of virtually rebuilt sanatorium here. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in this event timed to the solemnities on the occasion of the Professional Day of workers of public health and medical industry. One of the oldest resorts of the country gained new look. All conditions are created here for realization of the huge medicinal potential of the lake.

Miracle place Mollagara in vicinities of Balkanabat is familiar to me from childhood. Not by hearsay but in direct contact with its peculiar water, abounding in high content of salt, medicinal mud and healing beach sand. We often came here to the bank of miraculous lake (remained from dried-up riverbed of Old Uzboy) from the city to swim and spend weekends. All knew that local water, mud and even beach sand are very healthy and “work” miracles, saving people from many illnesses.

Healing property of famous “Mollagara” health resort is known for people over hundred years. Already in three tens of years, the healing properties of mud of local lake opened accidentally by observant herdsman Gary Molla at the end of XIX century obtained official status of health resort. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov told about it in his speech at the solemn opening ceremony of the sanatorium.

Balneological sanatorium specializes in mud- and water cure, particularly “rapa” baths. It is very medicinal the mud of the lake, which water is greatly mineralized and contains a large quantity of sodium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium and bromine. Chemical composition of water of the lake changes in accordance with the seasons of the year. Therefore, it is also changed the color of this healing reservoir. According to the doctors, Mollagara is not worse than famous Dead Sea in Israel. According to medicinal properties, Mollagara mud, which includes clay and sand, excels Crimean gypsum. By the way, now, the sanatorium will also use medicinal volcanic mud Balkan region is rich in.

Erection of new buildings of sanatorium and full reconstruction of existing ones allows this unique health resort to become original continuation of the tourist zone “Avaza”. It is located two hours' journey from Avaza. New sanatorium “Mollagara” is a new approach, new conception of arrangement of the rest and treatment, most careful, economical and effective use of possibilities of the unique lake.

The buildings of six-storey sanatorium complex included outpatients' clinics and laboratory departments. Reception will be realized here by doctors of particular medical specialties, whose rooms are example of high modern technical equipment. Besides traditional, but supermodern apparatuses UHF, US, ECG, it is appeared computed tomographic scanner, specific for local use the mud applications, hydro-massage, cryotherapy, barotherapy, and ozone therapy. There is the children’s department for 30 beds and Spa-center in the sanatorium.

Residential buildings and hotel of the health resort differ by high level of comfort. New resort complex also includes the lake. On its bank, it was installed solarium for recovery of health in open air. Here, the visitors are able to combine pleasant with useful, because not only water and mud, but also sand of Mollagara is very healthy. Therefore, the treatment with hot sand of Garagum and hot stones will gain its development here.

It is impossible to tell in brief about all things, being offered today to visitors by new health resort. It is necessary to come and sense the healing effort granted by Mollagara – unique health resort, which became another bright evidence of formation in the country of full-fledged infrastructure of rest and health. New sanatorium is the creation that united reviving power of nature and human intellect, traditions of folk medicine and attainments of modern medical science.