Ï For health by tourist voucher

For health by tourist voucher

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White-beard elders equipped with rich life experience say that nature itself heals a person, just it is necessary to give it an opportunity to do it, we have to live in harmony and concord with it in order to feel its beneficial force. A doctor who possesses professional knowledge and skills can be an attentive mediator and responsive assistant in this process. These words from the book of the president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan is the land of resorts” devoted to natural health resorts of our country…. We present the most known of them.

Sanatorium Archman was opened in 1951and soon it became popular. In recent years it has got new development in the course of tendencies of the world balneology.

Created by nature and well-planned by the human being, the health resort presents comfortable conditions for treatment and rest. Diagnosing, therapy and hydropathic departments function here. The technological level of the resort does not concede to modern clinics. It is possible to make ultrasonic, endoscopic, electrocardiography and bronchoscopic analyses as well as X-Ray examination. Specialists of such narrow medical professions as dentist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, and gynecologist work in the sanatorium. And also there is a rehabilitation room fitted out with the latest medical equipment clinical laboratory.

Mineral water the structure of which registered 24 elements of the periodic table is the main therapeutic factor of the sanatorium. It normalizes broken functions of an organism at cellular level. Healing water of the sanatorium is used not only as drinking water but for holding of other balneological procedures. Moreover, in the sanatorium, owing to modern medical technologies and apparatuses it is practiced mechanotherapy and phototherapy, electrosleep therapy and magnetotherapy, acupuncture and effect of waves of D.Arsenval wave influence, paraffin treatment as well as therapeutic exercises and many others. Exactly these treatment features of the sanatorium attract not only Turkmen patients but citizens of other countries as well.

Today, sanatorium “Yyly suw” offers to vacationers comfortable conditions that comparable with first class luxurious hotel. A special part of the sanatorium activity falls to hydrotherapy and health-improving service.

Therefore, the sanatorium has six wells. Four with hydrogen-sulphidous minerals, which are used as bath. One with bromic water and other with iodine mineral water. These waters are used for such diseases as inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, gall, pancreas, and the presence of iodine in the water allows to prevent development of goiter. Application of the thermal water of «Yily suv» is recommended for treatment of skin diseases and support-motor apparatus, kidney and genito-urinary diseases, diseases of the nerve system, peripheral nerve system, and insulin-independent diabetes of light and medium stage of complications, compressive period, and all stages of obesity.

Besides, the sanatorium «Yily suv», possessing three departments – diagnostic, therapeutic, and hydropathic, is provided with all necessary conditions for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with use of the latest medical technologies.

Sanatorium «Berzengi», is a research balneological department of the capital hospital with a research clinic centre of cardiology and located in the south of Ashgabat at the piedmont of the central Kopetdagh. Here from the vertical well 7 litres of water is erupted per second its mineralization level makes up 3,4 grams /dm3 and its composition contains –sulphate, magnesium, potassium. This wonderful water keeps its temperature always at 37 degrees below zero.

As an urban type prophylaxis sanatorium, «Berzengi» offers its services for treatment and prevention of diseases the whole year. Indeed this wonderful water containing anion and cation, and numerous micro components presents wide therapeutic opportunities for effective recovery of human organism after the period of complication of some diseases and enhances resistance against infectious diseases.

Here are all conditions for it. All rooms are equipped with the latest medical devices and facilities: devices for ultrasonic diagnostics, electrocardiography, electrocardiogram of Holter, as well as daily monitoring of arterial blood pressure. Patient services also include - rooms of inhalation, electrophoresis, treatment by light, ozocerite application and paraffin bath, acupuncture, and the therapeutic physical training room. And of course, the main type of treatment is the mineral water which is used for therapeutic baths, showers and hydromassage.

In the course of many years, scientists study the therapeutic properties of the water of «Berzengi». They carry our research works on its application for treatment of various diseases. Today, the list of diseases for which the water of “Berzengi” is useful, has been made. Among them are diseases of the cardio-vascular system, respiratory tract, indigestion tract, central and peripheral nerve systems, organs of support-motor apparatus, skin diseases and treatment after burn.

Sanatorium «Mollagara» is located in the western part of Turkmenistan, 24 kilometres from Balkanabat city, on the eastern bank of the mouth of the ancient Uzboy. Its main therapeutic properties are muds and mineral rich waters of the lake Mollagara. The local sulfide mud possesses high therapeutic properties and mineral waters of the lake contain a great amount of sodium chloride, calcium chlorides, magnesium and bromine. Their mineralization is very high (200-250 mg/l), therefore nothing settles at the bottom of the lake and remains on the water surface. The chemical composition of the water changes with the change of seasons. Here treatment for diseases of motor-support apparatus, arthritis, neuritis, osteochondrosis, spine diseases, traumas of the brain, impotence, diseases of the urinary bladder and tophus if given.

Today the sanatorium «Mollagara» consists of the complex of newly built departments –a residential block for 500 beds, as well as a diagnostics department , a spa centre, a reconstructed building of a two-storey hospital block, children’s department and others. There is an outdoor solarium with a total area of 1, 5 hectares for 300 beds on the bank of the salt lake and it has a water tank with a capacity of 2400 litres.

In the sanatorium «Моllagara» such effective methods of treatment as mud cure, brine cure, physical therapy, frigotherapy, high atmospheric pressure cure, hot sand of the Garagum, hot stones, inhalation of salty and mineral air, ozone cure, herbal therapy, mineral spring and others.

Sanatorium of Bayramaly enjoys a great popularity not only among Turkmen nationals but also among patients and tourists from various countries of the world.

As compared with sanatoriums of the black sea, humidity in Bayramaly is lower 20 times and it makes the sanatorium more suitable for treatment of kidney and cardio-vascular diseases. Here are created for conditions for rest and various therapeutic procedures, physiotherapy ,massage, acupuncture, therapeutic baths, sports, and many others are offered for patients. However, the main types of treatment here are solar rays –heliotherapy, and aerotherapeutics.

During one season about 20-25000 patients can recover their health in the sanatorium., as a result of researches, conducted here for several years, one can make sure that the sanatorium of Bayramaly is a unique place for recovery of health.