Ï The poet charmed with the beauty of the land

The poet charmed with the beauty of the land

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Magtymguly is a great thinker, and thinker of the Turkmen people, the brightest star of the entire oriental culture. He has composed a great number of poems for his people. The goal of his works has always remained a call for the unity of people under the single idea, education of love for the fatherland, respect for traditions, and search for human happens. A special place in his works takes nature of his native land.

The beauty of his native land inspired poets for creation of lyrical works. Amazed with the harmony of the beauty f his native land, Magtymguly comes into conclusion that it has a heavenly origin:

The world is wonderful both as small and large
Mountains are covered with fogs after thunderstorms
Every new becomes an invited guest to the sun

Nature and its wonderful world, relation of the human with it was one of the main objects of artistic thinking. In poetical expression of nature, its beauty, intrusion into its secrets Magtymguly adhered to peculiarities typical of only his pen. Until then there existed so-called landscape poetry that was written in a romantic style. Live nature had conditional and nonconcrete character. In artistic interpretation of the surrounding world, Magtymguly observes other, more realistic principles. In his works, we see the beauty of real and live nature. The poet thinks figuratively often to give more emotional colour to his works.

In the works of Magtymguly, one can often finds images of birds as a symbol of freedom and wisdom. In one of the poems, the poet writes:

Praying in the morning
I chirp with birds together…
My language– language of birds,
And appearance is humanely.

Thinking of the role of humanity in one of his poems in this world and its life path, the poet refers to the popular fantastic oriental image of the wise bird Simurg. Magtymguly speaks through it of his philosophical thoughts of the beauty of life and of the fact that this moment of life one should live worthy. Such thoughts one can follow in his poem ‘Dove’ where the sacred Aly is ready to scarify his flesh for the sake of rescue of an unhappy bird, which asks help from him. Here we hear the call of Magtymguly for protection of the weak and help for the helpless, necessity of taking right decision in lively important moments.

The poet attaches a deep meaning to the mighty rages of mountains of the Turkmen land. Mountains in the poems of Magtymguly take concrete features, they are real and symbolic. Mountains in his works are represented as a close friend who shares the sadness, sorrow, and joy with the poet and symbolizes power, support, wisdom and reliability. Travelling Magtymguly continues glorifying nature.

The poet is amazed with the beauty of the Caucasus, Asia Minor, and tries to understand it deeply, trying to find a link of junction between nature and labour of people. Laws of nature are reflected in its real nature and their character. Selected concrete objects of nature are also closely lined with reality. The notion of the good and bad, positive and negative are compared trough images of winter and spring:

Let spring itself unite our nation,
And let winter end its path travelling.

Depicting Turkmen nature really, world of its beauty Magtymguly touches upon the most subtle strings of human soul. Lyrics of Magtymguly helped the nation to see clearly the wonderful look of its land, and enjoy its original beauty to the present.