Ï Memory about past for the sake of future

Memory about past for the sake of future

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The fact that the UNESCO’s World Heritage Center in 1999, 2005 and 2007 made a decision on involvement of monuments of Ancient Merv, Koneurgench and Nisa into UNESCO’s World Heritage List testifies about international recognition of the highest values of facilities of cultural heritage of our country. Now, these monuments are the property of universal civilization, and their preservation for future generations – the task of supranational type. According to authoritative opinion of international experts, Turkmenistan steadily follows the Convention on protection of world cultural and natural heritage.

A large scope of work is realized in the country on protection of monuments of history and culture, their study, holding of conservational and restoration works, accomplishment of the territory of more significant ones, exposure and stocktaking of earlier unknown archeological objects or ancient architectural edifices.

As a bright example, it is possible to give the recreation of outer dome of legendary in the country monument – Soltan Sanjar mausoleum in Ancient Merv. Among demonstrative examples of careful attitude to the object, it is possible to mention a restoration of monument of architecture of X-XII centuries “Mashat-ata” on the territory of the State historic-cultural reserve “Ancient Dehistan”, which was realized by the specialists of National Management on protection, study and restoration of monuments of history and culture of Turkmenistan. Restoration works on this unique monument have been awarded with special diploma of International Association of the Unions of Architects.

It is successfully developed the international cooperation of the Turkmen specialists-restorers with foreign colleagues. It is worth mentioning the fruitful work of joint archeological expeditions, which contribute to the opening of new objects and holding of conservational events at excavations, restoration and placement in the museums of artifacts discovered in the course of archeological works. Restorers from the state historic-cultural reserves and museums of the country, as well as future restorers – the students of Turkmen State Institute of Culture undergo annually the training course at the laboratory on field conservation of archeological findings created jointly with the French specialists on the basis of the State historic-cultural reserve “Abiverd”.

The issues of study and preservation of monuments of history and culture will become the subject of discussion at the International scientific conference “Dialogue of cultures on Great Silk Road”, which will be held in November of the current year in Ashgabat and Koneurgench.

Koneurgench located on the crossroads of major trade routes of Great Silk Road was one of the most flourishing cities of the Central Asia in the mid of century. Wonderful architectural monuments – Il-Arslan, Tekesh, Tyurabek-hanym mausoleums, Kutlug-Timur minaret and many others testify about former greatness of this historical settlement. All these sites inscribed into World Heritage List are the objects of constant monitoring of their technical state from the part of personnel of Koneurgench State historic-cultural reserve. Conservation and strengthening works are carried out at these monuments owing to the efforts of restorers of the reserve and Special scientific-restoration production workshop. Archeological and architectural expedition of National Management on protection, study and restoration of monuments of history and culture of Turkmenistan started the investigations of one of most mysterious monuments on the territory of this ancient site – Portal of “Caravanserai” erected in XIV century on supposition of the scientists.

Another caravanserai Daya-Hatyn (XI-XII centuries) in Lebap province located on the section of Silk Road, which run from Amul in Koneugench, became the object of restoration, being carried out by the Turkmen specialists with financial support of International Program of the State Department of the USA “Ambassador’s Fund for cultural heritage preservation”.

Staff of the State historic-cultural reserve “Ancient Merv” also conduct the work on discovery, registration and preservation of monuments located on the territory of Mary province. It is realized a large-scope of operations on study and partial restoration of medieval crimped palace – Big Gyzgala. Besides Turkmen specialists, their colleagues from London University (Great Britain), Center for conservation of adobe architecture in Grenoble (France) and Warsaw University (Poland) take part in this grandiose project.

Experience of many years on preservation of monuments of adobe architecture has been also accumulated in the State historic-cultural reserve “Nisa”, where after every archeological season it is carried out conservational works on unearthed areas of ancient settlement Old Nisa. In summer and autumn of the last year, the archeologists and restorers of National Management on protection of monuments and reserve “Nisa”, it is partially restored outer part of one of the towers of fortress wall of the ancient settlement. In this fortification structure, which is more than thousand years, firstly, it was cleaned up the places of old excavations realized by STACE in the mid of last century, then on the basis of archive materials and in comparison them with newly obtained data, it was worked out and partially realized a plan of phased actions on its restoration.