Ï Akhalteke horse – forever: one more story of love…

Akhalteke horse – forever: one more story of love…

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Every year, the Turkmen Horse Day hosts in Ashgabat the guests from many countries. Hundreds of foreign connoisseurs of Akhalteke breed, representing 50 states, took part in the current solemnities as well.

In show jumping competitions held on manege of International equestrian sport complex, I have familiarized with horse owner from France Tatyana Folle. She arrives in Turkmenistan several years in succession to take part in the April solemnities, and every visit to our country she considers a wonderful event. Why? There is a story about this.

- For the first time I have arrived to Turkmenistan in 2012 as the representative of the company-supplier of the equipment for horse sphere. I always thought much of horses but when has more close been acquainted with thoroughbred Akhalteke horses, I understood: they are my calling. So, it has begun my own love stories to Akhalteke breed of horses. At first sight, I have been subdued with their stately exterior, quick run and ease of a jump. It is obvious that there is no perfect than this breed on the earth. When I heard about how the Turkmen brought up their horses, developing in them during centuries the force, playfulness, ingenuity, about especial power of argamaks, an ardent attachment has lodged in my heart to your country, your talented people and, of course, to “heavenly” racer.

This year, I purchased my first foal – the Akhalteke horse Bogdana. Care of it captivated me that soon, I became to dream about replenishment of my small “farm”. It was impossible to refrain, because, charm of representatives of this breed so great. At this moment, I have only two Akhalteke horses: one of them is of dark-isabel color, another – of rare light-isabel color. I think that it is only a beginning… I very desired my racers were born on Turkmen land – in their historical motherland, but unfortunately, the way for transportation of foals is quite long. I brought Bogdana from Majorca Island, and the second foal from Slovakia. Owing to them, my family left house in the city and moved to its vicinities. It was a small old house, but the adjoining to it green lands fully did for our racers. Now, we have a foundation for breeding of horses and see a great prospect in it.

Wherewith did Akhalteke horses attract me? They are very specific: majestic, with self-respect, self-restrained like aristocrats, and at the same time curious, sincere and ingenuous like children. They finely feel confidentiality in relations, value it not less than the man does. Akhalteke racer is very reliable, and I am confident that it never will endanger his equestrian and will do the utmost to help him in non-standard situation.

There was a case when I astride two-year Bogdana walked on wood, and on a way, there was a company which intentions were aggressive enough in relation to me. Here then I have seen my Akhalteke horse in all magnificence of its anger! Having terribly neighed, it began to attack these people as if warned: “one more step to my friend, and I will crush you! …”. The company quickly retired, and we have continued the walk. Unless such fidelity and boldness could remain without attention of the person? Certainly, no. Despite too young age of my Bogdana - the true friend and brave defender, we together participate in many events and I admire that it realizes the responsibility and always behaves properly. To win friendship and trust of Akhalteke racer it is necessary time, patience, and I like that this process proceeds so. But then, when there is a return, - have unusually joyful feeling.

Each visit to Turkmenistan fills me with inspiration of a holiday, I try to learn more about ancient traditions of training of these wonderful horses to come nearer to classical canons of their keeping, and it is possible only being on their native land - in Turkmenistan. Here there are the best owners of stud garms, livestock specialists and other experts to exchange experience, to share with colleagues the thoughts and ideas, to discuss the vital issues, plans, after all such dialogue is necessary for successful practice. It is remarkable occasion to be enriched with new useful knowledge, to receive a valuable advice and recommendations of authoritative professionals in the business what, certainly, Turkmen masters-horse breeders are. Their pupils - fine unsurpassed Akhalteke racers eloquently and visually testify to it. Leaving your hospitable country, I with impatience will wait for a new meeting.