Ï Balkan velayat has considerable potential for development of eco-tourism

Balkan velayat has considerable potential for development of eco-tourism

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Environmentally clean coast of the Caspian, national tourist zone “Avaza”, secret places of Sumbar valley, Chendir and Aydere gorges, waterfalls, rivers, pomegranate gardens, vineyards, abundant groves of Syunt – Hasardag state reserve are recreational wealth of Balkan region – beautiful and fertile land with ancient history and unique traditions. The guests of our country willing to get acquainted with the culture and customs of our people, variety of unique natural landscapes will be pleasantly surprised by the bounties of this ancient land.

One of the wonderful places for the rest is the Caspian cost where golden sands interchange with rocky banks. Noisy seagulls fly over the water, birds of the colour of Caspian evening glow – pink flamingos flicker in the distance, in small quiet harbours. Swans and ducks, other waterfowl open up coastal zone, challenging for hunted plankton and fries. Some of them, not daring for long flight, stay for winter at the Caspian coast until the spring. That is why the nature lovers, ecologists and enthusiasts turn the rest in these places into ecology action for study of local fauna and flora.

One of the remarkable place is the range of rocks – “black rocks” entering the sea for few meters and stuck out of the water in weird shape, located near Turkmenbasy seaport. It is cut by the web of small gutters with clear turquoise water, where small fishes play and at night, the jellyfishes gleam with their oily bodies. If luck is one your side, you can see the Caspian seals settled on hot rocks who noticing the visitors, hastily leave their favourite sunbathe spots and loudly dives into sea.

The sand dune of amazing beauty is located nearby. When walking over these small dunes ever changing their shape under the wind, one can hear the sounds resembling the alt string of contrabass. This is either echo of the sea waves or the whistling wind together with rustling of grains of sand streaming under the sun. Because of this sound, local people call this place “singing barhans (dunes)”. The traces of the fauna are left clearly visible in the sand. Here, there are parallel lines in the shape of steps. This is efa (carpet viper) – the owner of these places, which literally “walking” by every twist of its body, moves up over running sand. Here, there is tiny trace of arrow snake. It is not wider than pencil. Because of its ability to move with lightning speed, arrow snake can visible only in open areas. Small lizard moved next to it leaving flower shaped tracks. It suddenly disappeared; having felt the danger, it entrenched itself in the sand. The evidences of night walk of hares and foxes are all around. The nightlife of fauna is very active here. The beautiful sight of high unique stone construction – Old lighthouse, beautifully looked on the sea surf background opens up from the cape. The history of this secret places is in the air…

The Gubadag ridge, the favourite place for mountain hikers, is visible from any place of Turkmenbashy city. Its close proximity to the city border attracts big number of extreme tourism supporters. Climbing under the lead of experienced instructor to the small cave located on the high peak Umchaly can be offered the bravest ones. The uniqueness of the Gubadag ridge is that its top presented itself a huge plateau can be reached by vehicle. One side of the plateau pass into steppe lowland while another side ends up sharply with cliffs overlooking the city.

The ridge has several tops and the highest one is Shagadam. Magnificent view of coastal city and further, until horizon, where sea surface reflects the sun, opens up from here. White-crested waves wash out the pebbles and shell rocks. Here, from the bird’s eye view, in bright day, one can see the nearest peninsulas of the Caspian Sea, Gyzylsuv Island, Turkmenbashy Gulf and snow-white hotels of National tourism zone “Avaza” gladdening the eye by its architectural extravagance.

The tours of different category of complexity around Western Kopetdag will be organized for the lovers of many-days trips. The mountains of Big Balhan have springs, bushes of Turkmen juniper (archa), sweet-scented barberries, and dog rose, rocky gorges covered by fig tree tangles. They cut the ridge from north to south and along all its length, creating canyons of extraordinary beauty. The height of the ridge is more than 1800 meters above the sea level. Mountain hoofed mammals as well as foxes, hares and porcupines can be met in the tangles and on the slopes of the gorges. From the edge of the steep here, considering the difference of heights one can observe the sunset in the lowland, enjoy the sky dome studded with bright stars and inhale the crisp air filled with bitter aroma of mountain herbs.

The mountains of Small Balhan standing separately are considerably lower – only 780 meters height. They are unique with inimitable in their beauty lunar landscapes. The unusual relief attracts the lovers of secret nature. These ridges have many things to tell to keen traveller and in order to touch the richest spiritual heritage, charming beauty and legends of this ancient land, one must see this tough and beautiful mountain world with their own eyes.

West Kopetdag is the pearl of Turkmenistan. The nature generously gifted this wonderful area. First of all is variety of animal world. Few ecological routes can be laid in the area with subtropical climate from Magtumguly settlement along Sumbar River Valley via Gerkez settlement, motherland of great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtumguly Fragi. Further, by the bottom of Aydere Gorge, one can proceed to Nohur Plateau and mountain villages. The route can be continued by descending along the Arvaz Gorge to Yily-Suv thermal spring and further toward Kov-Ata Underground Lake. Indescribable beautiful split Aydere Gorge overgrown with impenetrable thickets of barberries, blackberries, hawthorns, wild pomegranates, walnuts, almonds, and grapes is favourite places of local children – young tourists during holidays. Fast mountain river with the same name flows on the bottom of the wide gorge with high walls. The bears left this area long time ago and only the name of the gorge – Aydere (Bear River) reminds of it.

These places are located in the buffer zone of Syunt-Hasardag Preserve and without a doubt would be interested for the ethnographers. Variety of waterfalls in the upper reaches of gorges, well-preserved water mills and wells, suspension bridges along with unique hospitality of local people will give special colour and leave unforgettable impression. The acquaintance with subtropical highlands will be adorned with local superstitions and ethnical legends carefully kept by local old residents. Blooming poppy fields, wild rams rushing up the slopes, sound of creek in hollow canyons become unforgettable moments able to wake up high feelings in human soul.

Magnificent natural landscape of Sumbar Valley is of many appearances and it seems that one finds oneself in different fairy tales. The shepherds can be met near Chopurchinar Pound at Nohur Plateau, who will hospitably invite you to tea party at simple camp dastarkhan (low table). Close acquaintance with nature, traditions, lifestyle of people of Turkmen midlands is one of the numerous sides of the same concept – tourism, either it is ecological or ethnographic. The more so because Balkan velayat is rich not only with natural sights but with different historical and archaeological monuments as well.