Ï Turkmenistan demonstrates a responsible approach to conservation of the most important natural resources

Turkmenistan demonstrates a responsible approach to conservation of the most important natural resources

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In recent years, Turkmenistan fascinates foreign visitors by the rapidly expanding young forest fields and blooming all year round parks. There is the man-made oasis of thousands of hectares laid in different parts of the country. This year, according to the decree of the President of Turkmenistan, during the landscaping campaign by ministries and departmental ministries, and Khyakimliks of Ashgabat city and regions will be planted in total 3 million seedlings of deciduous, coniferous, fruit trees and grapes, including 512 thousand saplings of mulberry trees.

The formation of green areas in the outskirts of Ashgabat and regions within the framework of the country’s large-scale programs, creation the National tourist zone "Avaza" on the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea, construction of the Turkmen Lake "Altyn Asyr", in the central Karakum. Taken important decisions on environmental safety and regularly held the international forums in this spheres clearly testifies that our country attaches great importance to environmental issues.

Environmental activities are now a significant factor in economic growth, the basis for the transition in the scale of the entire economy to a fundamentally new model of nature management. The National Strategy on Climate Change, approved by the decree of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the eve of the World Forum in Rio de Janeiro, focuses primarily on the development of high-tech, environmentally safe production, and creation conditions conducive for a "green economy" formation.

There is a significant importance given to realization of the innovative project - the construction of the Turkmen Lake "Altyn Asyr" in the Karakum desert. This is one of the clearest examples of the significant contribution of our country to resolving global problems related to conservation of water resources of the planet. On the beneficial effects of the lake in the nature can be testified by such facts as normalization of the drainage systems, lowering of ground water, and land improvement.

It should also be noted that this project designed to promote environmental well-being within the territory of Turkmenistan, as well as the entire region of Central Asia, has been praised by the leading scientists and experts from different countries in the world, experts of the water sector and the agro-industrial complex.

In this regard, it should be noted that implemented large-scale investment projects in the water sector includes the construction of new reservoirs, hydraulic and reclamation facilities. Currently, all over regions, within the framework of the "General Programme on provision of villages and settlements of Turkmenistan with clean drinking water" it is being built water treatment plants, desalination plants, carried out the reconstruction of the existing water treatment plants and water supply systems. At the same time, the latest technology, the innovative of science and technology developments contributing water conservation are gradually introduced.

Our country is actively and consistently accelerates the international cooperation in this sphere, especially with United Nations and its specialized agencies - United Nations Development Programme, and the United Nations Environment Programme, the European Union, the Global Environment Fond and others. Turkmenistan takes an active part in implementation of joint projects at the regional scale aimed at resolving urgent environmental problems of concern to all humanity - the preservation and restoration of water and other natural resources, desertification, land degradation, global warming, and climate change.

Our country, as a part of a number of UN conventions on environmental safety, is taking practical steps on environmental nature and comes from the fact that the current problems in this area should be considered on the basis of universally recognized norms by international law, considering the interests of all countries of the region.

Turkmenistan demonstrates responsible approach to the careful preservation of the most important natural resources including water to resolve the global problem of water management in the name of well-being and sustainable development of the region. Our ancestors for thousands of years formed a high culture of farming, worked diligently in arid climates to turn pasture into lavish green meadows, and to grow rich harvests.

There were positive initiatives supported by international community, spoke out by President of Turkmenistan at the UN General Assembly sessions, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development "Rio + 20", and III UN World Conference on Risk Reduction Disaster in Japan and the VII th World Water Forum in the Republic of Korea held last year.

Among them are a proposal to open in Ashgabat Regional Centre for technologies related to climate change in Central Asia, the development of special programs of the United Nations to save the Aral Sea, the United Nations document on water – the UN Water Strategy, as well as the establishment effective multilateral cooperation mechanisms to ensure environmental and technological safety in the Caspian sea, a unique biological complex is, without exaggeration, an asset of all mankind.

Enormous work is being done in the field of rational use of water, land and biological resources, preservation of biodiversity and natural landscapes, combat desertification and deforestation, environmental education of the population. Adopted in compliance with international norms of the law "On Environmental Protection", "On Specially Protected Natural Areas", "On protection of the Ozone Layer", "Forest Code", "On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources", "On Flora", "On Wildlife World "and others. It is being implemented step-by-step the approved by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “National strategy on climate change "and "National Forest Programme of Turkmenistan."

Today, the experience to take environmental measures and the enormous potential of the Turkmen science as never before are of a great demand in the world, which testifies multiple selection of our country as the place to conduct major environmental forums, conferences and seminars.

Among them are the Caspian Environment Forum, held in the National Tourist Zone "Avaza" in 2012, International Scientific Conference "Ecology of the Aral Sea: Sustainable Development and International Cooperation", held in March 2013 in the city of Dashogus, the 5th session of the Conference on Convention for protection of the marine environment of the Caspian sea (Tehran Convention) held in Ashgabat in 2014.

As noted, in 2015-2016, Turkmenistan chairs the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea.