Ï Successful performance of Lebap athletes

Successful performance of Lebap athletes

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Successful performance of Lebap athletes

At the recently held World Championship in wrestling in Astana belts, Turkmen athletes won 11 medals of various level. Among athletes who successfully performed at the championship distinguished Jemal Ovlyagulieva from Turkmenabad, who won a silver medal and Guvanch Khemrayeva from the Sayat etrap of the velayat Lebap velayat, who won a bronze medal.

Dzhemal Ovlyagulieva successfully graduated from the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports and now in Turkmenabad educates young athletes, and Guvanch Khemraev is just preparing to enter the aforementioned university.

It should be noted that the fact that Turkmen athletes successfully also competed at the Asian Open Chess Championship, which was held in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. For our athletes managed to win seven medals of different levels. For example, Lale Shohradova, a student of the 31st secondary school of the Dyanevsky etrap Lebap velayat, trained at the 2nd sports school this etrap, took third place. Here, two pupil of the 13th sports school of the city of Turkmenabat, won silver medals.

A solemn meeting was held in the hyakimlik of Turkmenabad the occasion of the successful performance of Lebap athletes. Congratulatory speeches were made to the winners, as well as the growing authority of Turkmen sports was discussed. Athletes were awarded with valuable gifts. The meeting was accompanied by speeches by representatives of culture and arts of the velayat.