Ï Weightlifters of Turkmenistan won 25 medals at the Asian Youth and Junior Championship in India

Weightlifters of Turkmenistan won 25 medals at the Asian Youth and Junior Championship in India

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Weightlifters of Turkmenistan won 25 medals at the Asian Youth and Junior Championship in India

Turkmen weightlifters won 25 medals: 10 gold, 9 silver and 6 bronze at the Asian Championship among youth (under 17) and juniors (under 20) held in Delhi (India).

More than 260 athletes from 21 countries are competing for the championship awards in two age categories. Our country is represented by 11 athletes, seven of whom will take home medals.

Amanjan Rustamova brought six gold medals to the team of Turkmenistan. The 11th grade student of the capital's Olymp sports school achieved this success in the weight category up to 81 kg, winning three gold medals in the competition among girls (under 17) and juniors (under 20) in snatch (103 kg), clean and jerk (125 kg) and the sum of snatch, clean and jerk combination (228 kg).

A year ago, at the same Asian Championship in Tashkent, Amanjan Rustamova could not get higher than the second place. And now she is the best in two age categories on the continent at once!

Amanjan Rustamova started weightlifting with her first coach Deripbay Kerimbayev in Gurbansoltan Eje etrap of Dashoguz velayat. Currently, she is improving her skills in the capital under the guidance of Gurbandurdy Amanov, the head coach of the Turkmenistan national u- 17 girls’ team.

Shahzadbek Matyakubov(up to 96 kg), a 2nd-year student of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, has three times reached top step of the podium in the junior competition, winning three gold medals in snatch (160 kg), clean and jerk (197 kg) and the sum of  this combination (357 kg).

Another gold medal – in clean and jerk (178 kg) and two silver medals – in snatch (147 kg) and the sum of snatch, clean and jerk combination (325 kg) was won in the weight category up to 81 kg among juniors by Gaigysyz Torayev, the 3rd year student of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports.

Perhat Bagtyyarov (up to 61 kg) brought four medals to the team of Turkmenistan. The 11th-grader of the capital's Olymp sports school, who will turn 17 on October 8, took three silver medals in snatch (112 kg), clean and jerk (144 kg) and combined total (256 kg) in the boys' competition and was awarded bronze in the parallel competition among juniors.

Gulyalek Kakamyradova (up to 64 kg), a student of the 11th grade of the secondary specialized school of Mary, won two silver awards in snatch (79 kg) and the combined total (175 kg) and a bronze in clean and jerk (96 kg) in the girls' competition (under 17 years old).

Resul Rejepov (up to 89 kg), a serviceman of the 2406th military unit of the State Border Service of Turkmenistan, also became the vice-champion of Asia among juniors. He has two silver medals in snatch (148 kg) and the sum of snatch, clean and jerk combination (318 kg) and a bronze in clean and jerk (170 kg) in the junior competition.

Ogulshat Amanova (up to 45 kg), the world champion in this age group, was awarded three bronze medals in snatch (65 kg), clean and jerk (80 kg) and the combined total  in the girls' (under 17) tournament. In the sum of two exercises, a 9th grade student of Ashgabat secondary school № 104 gained 145 kg, which is 11 kg less than at this year's victorious World Youth Championship in Durres (Albania).

The Asian Youth and Junior Weightlifting Championship will end on August 5.