Ï Turkmenistan welcomed the New Year 2024 in unity and with bright wishes!

Turkmenistan welcomed the New Year 2024 in unity and with bright wishes!

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Turkmenistan welcomed the New Year 2024 in unity and with bright wishes!

Now the most favourite and long-awaited holiday of the New year, which brings people happiness and pleasure, bright wishes and new hopes also has come. While we sum up one more page of the history of the country and make courageous plans for the future, Turkmenistan, all its big and small cities and villages, "put on" a festive attire and in each corner of our fatherland the atmosphere of cheerful festivities and high spirit prevail.

But, no doubt, these days, the most beautiful has become the Turkmen capital admiring all with its sparkling decoration, pleasing with its look by illuminations. And it is no wonder that every day brings to us an undisputable evidence of triumphal procession of Turkmenistan to new heights of progress, prosperity and efficiency of the state internal and foreign policy of the head of the state.

Millions of Turkmen nationals who wholeheartedly support the innovative state activity of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and create for grandiose purposes of the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, take an active part in building the happy future of their fatherland with great inspiration. A dynamic growth of Turkmenistan in all parameters of development, its confident steps on the world scene, vigorous peace-making activity have even more strengthened the international authority of the country.

It is suffice to remind that for the outgoing year a great number of meetings and negotiations of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with heads of foreign states and governments, authoritative international organisations, top politicians and representatives of business circles took place. Bilateral documents were signed and important agreements opening a new era in development of constructive international contacts and mutually beneficial economic partnership of Turkmenistan both with its neighbours in the region, and other countries of the world were reached.

The 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, from the podium of which the head of the state sounded new important proposals to strengthen measures of trust and security in the region and planet, further develop constructive international partnership, became a vivid example of invariance of the progressive foreign policy of the President of Turkmenistan.

Turkmenistan undertakes necessary efforts for realisation of goals of sustainable development, attaching a special significance to partnership in such areas as energy security, sustainable transport system, climate change and others. Measures implemented by our country find a broad support of states of the world and authoritative international organisations.

In 2023, the General Assembly of the United Nations unanimously supported the Resolutions initiated by Turkmenistan “The Role of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia” and "World Day of Sustainable Transport", “The key role of reliable and stable energy connectivity in ensuring sustainable development” and “Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve the Sustainable Development goals" as well as election of our state to the structure of four international organizations.

A traditional dialogue with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) got further active development. So, the nomination “The Art of Akhal-Teke Horse Breeding and the Traditions of Horse Decoration” presented by our country was included in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Besides it, multilateral nominations were brought in the List of the World Heritage “Silk Road: Zarafshan-Karakum Corridor” proposed for consideration of UNESCO by Turkmenistan together with Republics of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan as well as “Cold Winter Deserts of Turan”, put forward together with Republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

All it reflects a great prestige of Turkmenistan in the world scene as well as testifies to a growing support of the foreign policy of the state by the international community.

As the head of Turkmenistan said, summing up short results of the past year at the extended joint meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council, that took place on December 29: “We successfully put into practice the policy built on principles “The state for people!", "The state is a state only with people”.

The outgoing year “The happy youth with Arkadag Serdar” which has already entered into the contemporary history of Turkmenistan, was marked by a number of unforgettable events of both international and national political significance, which touch upon various social and economic aspects, economic and spiritual development of our state, the President of the country underlined.

2023 was marked by big labour victories, great good deeds and noble undertakings inseparably linked with the name of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov under the leadership of whom national programs, the largest international and regional projects are successfully realised.

Among these projects are the opening of the unique "smart" city of Arkadag in June 2023, which on a legislative basis received a special legal status - a city of state importance.

Realisation of the ultra-modern mega project, which is ahead of its time and does not have analogues in the Central Asian region, "smart" city, became a bright acknowledgement of economic power of modern independent neutral Turkmenistan.

By the plan of the initiator and founder of grandiose building, which amazes with its scope "smart city" - the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov - the unique city became a conglomerate of modern IT technologies and original architectural solutions representing a synthesis of recent trends of world town-planning and best primordial traditions of national architecture.

As known, realisation of this megaproject was planned in two stages. Within the framework of the first stage of construction of 336 social, culture and other projects were erected.

And that important fact that the new city has been already awarded over 20 certificates of authoritative international structures and organisations, testifies that it has become one of the world pearls of modern city planning, a sample of an innovative approach to city development, the most responsible relation from the state to maintenance of happy and safe life of people.

The white marble coated capital of Turkmenistan – Ashgabat, which was included in the Global network of creative cities of UNESCO in the category  "Design" and becomes beautiful with every passing day,  also remains a visible man-made symbol of the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State. 

In 2023, large scale projects on construction of houses with modern convenience and settlements with all necessary infrastructure were realised, tens of new secondary schools, kindergartens, recreation centres, medical institutions and industrial projects equipped with the latest technologies were opened all over the country. Among the largest state orders – construction of Ashgabat-Turkmenabat and Ashgabat-Turkmenbashi high-speed autobahn, projects of Arkadag city, 17th turn of construction projects in the Turkmen capital.

Realisation of grandiose large-scale regional and international projects, first of all transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India and transmission lines Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan proceeded.

Economy, science and education, public health services and social security system, agriculture and fuel and energy complex, transport, communication and telecommunications, construction, culture and art - in each of these branches in 2023 it was possible to note big achievements.

Thanks to grandiose initiatives of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag, the political life in our country has cardinally changed for rather short time.

The Constitution and national legislation were consistently improved. So, in 2023 marked by glorious events, based upon centuries-old national experience of the government, construction of democratic, fair society, Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan - the higher representative body of people's power was founded, an election of deputies of the Mejlis, members of velayat, etrap and city Khalk Maslakhaty and Gengeshes were held. All it became the next step on the path of strengthening of basis of our democratic, legal and secular state.

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov successfully continues the work on increase of the role of the youth in the state building, with which the happy present and bright future of the country is connected, started by the National Leader of the Turkmen people.  The activities of national and international level with direct participation of young Turkmen nationals became important events in the political and public life of the country.

In the year “The happy youth with Arkadag Serdar”, the Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan was admitted into an official member of the UNESCO Global Youth Community. The forum of youth of countries of Central Asia and China “The new epoch of the Great Silk road” was held in Mary city at high organizational level. It clearly speaks of the fact that new possibilities for activization of youth cooperation at the international level are created.

It is necessary to note that 2023 was also marked by one more important event. On last days of the current year, the head of the state presented to the Turkmen people and world community the remarkable work “Ýaşlar - Watanyň daýanjy”. The edition of this book in the year “The happy youth with Arkadag Serdar” was of great importance, for it contains a worthy estimation of the role of representatives of younger generation in the life of our society.

The upcoming year 2024 will pass under the motto “'Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy”, which was the day before approved by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

This motto was put forward proceeding from the poem by Hero-Arkadag “'Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy“, numerous proposals, which were received from members of the Khalk Maslakhaty, representatives of public organisations, labour collectives and citizens. Its idea is conformable to celebrating in 2024 of the 300th birthday anniversary of the great thinker and poet-classic of the East Magtymguly Pyragy, whose creative heritage, being invaluable national property, became an integral part of the treasury of world culture.

Declaration of the year 2024 as “Year of the great poet and the thinker of the Turkic world - Magtymguly Pyragy” by the International Organisation of Turkic culture (TURKSOY) as well as inclusion of a collection of his manuscripts in the International register of the program of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO “Memory of the World” testify to a universal value of creativity of the glorified master of poetry.

Besides it, the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy entered in the UNESCO List of Memorable Dates for 2024-2025. This initiative of Turkmenistan was approved in the session of the UNESCO Executive Board, which took place in Paris in May of the current year. The given decision will promote not only popularisation of creativity of the outstanding poet-classic, but also advancement of the cultural diplomacy initiated by Turkmenistan on a global scale.

The theme of the forthcoming 300th birthday anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy also sounded in the speech of the head of the state at the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization in September of the current year.

… Here in such atmosphere we meet the wonderful New Year's holiday, which shall become part of the history of the country a new mark on the path of sovereign state development. It is noteworthy that start to New Year's celebrations in the country was given personally by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who together with young Turkmen nationals took part on one of these days in the holiday at the Main New Year’s Tree of the country on the square in front of the Alem cultural and entertainment centre.

Today, at the Main New Year’s Tree of the country the festive decoration with shining and multi-coloured lights attracted numerous residents of Ashgabat and guests of our city. The height of the Main New Year’s tree topped with an eight-pointed star and figures 2024 makes 44 metres, and width - 16 metres. By the way, referring to TV channel "Mir-24", the Ashgabat green New Year tree became the highest among fur-trees installed in capitals of the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Thanks to modern communication facilities by means of space bridge residents of all of five velayats of the country became participants of the present celebration.

In the evening, on the open stage of Älem cultural and entertainment centre, which was festively decorated with New Year's attributes, a grandiose festive event was organized with exulting music, songs, incendiary dances and poems. It demonstrated for spectators best children's creative collectives as well as popular variety soloists, folklore performers and others.

On behalf of all compatriots, speakers convey to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Hero-Arkadag congratulations of  happy New Year, the motto of which is “Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy”, wishing good luck, health, longevity, successes in achievement of great purposes for prosperity of our fatherland, well-being of our people.

Then, speakers announce the start of the traditional festive spacebridge connecting this night the Turkmen capital not only with administrative centres of all velayats but also the city of Arkadag.

The relay race of direct connection united inhabitants of different regions of the country and Ashgabat, sharing with each other their joy of the favourite holiday. Today, on squares of Arkadag city, velayat administration centres colourful New Year's festivities collected numerous spectators with participation of young singers and creative collectives.

Honoured elders and grey-haired mothers, khyakims, the most worthy and respected residents of Arkadag and all velayats and, certainly, young citizens of the country welcome and wish the head of the state and all Turkmen nationals happy New Year one after another. Wonderful songs sound and dances born pout of inspiration and talent of people of the ancient and fertile Turkmen land are performed.

The capital of independent neutral Turkmenistan - representatives of Ashgabat, its senior and younger generation as well as members of the government of the country concluded the New Year's teleconference, who gathered on the squares in front of the alem cultural and entertainment centre, they wished our compatriots in all cities and villages successes, well-being and happiness. They were supported with festive events by popular actors and dancing groups.

Summarising the New Year's greetings from residents of Arkadag, velayats and the capital, speakers added an emphasis on the important part of wishes: so that may Turkmenistan always prosper, the international authority of our fatherland grow with every passing year and its people live in peace and unity.

On behalf of all Turkmen nationals, they expressed their boundless gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for his selfless service to our native land and its people. There is no doubt that under the leadership of the head of the state, in 2024 marked by the 300th birthday anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy, and under the motto “Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy” our country will fill up its annals with new achievements and glorious deeds.

During the teleconference there comes a culmination moment – everybody’s vision is focused on TV monitors: President Serdar Berdimuhamedov appears on TV to convey his New Year's message to the people of Turkmenistan online.

With huge attention, participants of the celebration in the capital and Arkadag city and regions and also millions of TV viewers listen to the speech of the head of the state. The feeling of huge pride of their native land, which goes ahead towards the happy future, unites all Turkmen nationals during these solemn minutes.

The head of Turkmenistan, warmly congratulating his compatriots on the approach New Year 2024, which on the Oriental calendar is considered the year of Fish, underlined that we welcome it with bright wishes and may it become successful for our people and country.

In some moments, the hands of the clock joined on the top point of the dial.

The national anthem of Turkmenistan sounds.

Then, volleys of festive fireworks sounded. The New year was included into our life to a solemn cannonade of the festive light show scattering in the dark sky over the capital with its bright fiery sparks as New Year' confetti.

May all our cherished wishes and desires come true! Indeed, the main thing is what all of us unites - aspiration to good and creation, pleasure of peace and quiet life, belief in tomorrow, which will open new horizons and possibilities.