Ï Magtymguly through different artists' views

Magtymguly through different artists' views

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Magtymguly through different artists' views
Alexey Gimalitdinov

The State Museum of Fine Arts is hosting an exhibition of paintings and sculptures by Turkmen artists dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi.

The exhibition was opened by a new work by Rahman Umarov called "Magtymguly". The viewers were greeted by the beautiful face of the classic poet in the portrait. Here it is appropriate to make a small digression.

In 1947, the artist Aikhan Hajyev created the canonical portrait of Magtymguly. For many decades, artists have been guided by the main features of the face from the canonical portrait. But recently, more and more often artists have been portraying the poet as they feel him themselves.

"My Magtymguly" - with this impulse, paintings appear on which the poet is recognizable without the external signs of the canonical portrait. One of such paintings is the work of Rahman Umarov. A middle-aged man with expressive "speaking" eyes looks from the portrait. In them, there is sympathy for the suffering people, empathy and a desire to help.

The intelligent and sad face radiates sensuality, erudition and intelligence, but there is no hint of arrogance or self-importance. He is handsome, clever and simple. This is how the artist Umarov sees Magtymguly, and this image of Magtymguly has been approved and recognized by all visitors to the exhibition without exception.

The majority of paintings at the exhibition belong to the brush of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Aikhan Hajyev, who paid special attention to Magtymguly in his work.

Here are portraits of Magtymguly, and easel paintings depicting the poet among the people, as well as communication with fellow villagers in the workshop of the zergers. At the same time, the exhibition presents portraits of other poets - Seidi, Mollanepes and others.

The triptych "The Great Silk Road" by Rejepberdi Mukhammedov complements the atmosphere of the time in which the greatest Turkmen poet lived and created. The exhibition was perceived with great interest by visitors, admirers of Magtymguly Fragi's poetry and painting enthusiasts.