Ï Exercises were conducted to ensure preparedness for actions in emergency situations

Exercises were conducted to ensure preparedness for actions in emergency situations

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Exercises were conducted to ensure preparedness for actions in emergency situations

The documents initiated by Turkmenistan on the five-party partnership in the Caspian include the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations in the Caspian Sea, signed at the IV Summit of the Caspian States, held in Astrakhan in 2014.

To practice coordinated actions in such situations at the national level, the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» Agency conducted a comprehensive training course on the topic «Prevention of natural and man-made emergency situations in the Turkmen part of the Caspian Sea and improving the organization of activities carried out by ministries and departments, local executive authorities to eliminate them negative consequences».

The training was carried out in three stages. According to the scenario, a fire breaks out in the Turkmen part of the Caspian Sea due to technical problems on a ship transporting oil and petroleum products. The operator of the «Vessel Control Centre» of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport receives a message about the incident and immediately informs emergency services about it.

As a result of their coordinated efforts, operational decisions are made and practical steps are taken to identify the location of an oil tanker fire and oil spill, eliminate negative consequences, and determine the amount of funds and resources required for this. Reports on actions taken and recommendations are submitted to the Central State Commission of Turkmenistan for Emergency Situations. The prompt deployment of the Emergency Management Center in the Turkmenbashy International Seaport, determination of necessary actions and decision-making in emergency situations of natural and man-made nature in the Caspian Sea was highly appreciated by the leadership of the Balkan velayat. In this regard, the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» Agency was awarded a certificate of honor for the good results shown during 2023 in emergency preparedness activities and exercises conducted in the velayat.