Ï The best workers in the field of transport and communications will be identified in Turkmenistan

The best workers in the field of transport and communications will be identified in Turkmenistan

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The best workers in the field of transport and communications will be identified in Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan launched the «Hünärim bar-hormatym bar» competition among women working in the field of transport and communications.

 The competition is held in honour of International Women's Day by the National Centre of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan together with the Central Council of the Women's Union, as well as organizations supervised by the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers - the agencies «Turkmenaragatnashyk», «Turkmenhowayollary», «Turkmenavtoulaglary», «Turkmendenizderyayollary» and «Turkmendemiryollary».

The first stage of the competition took place in each of the above organizations. Now the winners will have to defend their championship among other rivals.

The next stage of the competition includes a welcoming speech by participants in work uniforms, a presentation of their specialty, a demonstration of mastery of national types of needlework, as well as a display of clothing models in Turkmen national jewellery.