Ï Poplar song of the city

Poplar song of the city

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Poplar song of the city

Black and white, also called silver, poplars, along with other trees, although in small quantities, continue to be planted by specialists of the Dashoguz enterprise for the cleaning and improvement of urban areas as part of landscaping and landscape design activities. This was confirmed by the appearance in recent years along one of the long streets of the administrative centre of the velayat of a new park area, planted only with poplars and called «Derek».

Meanwhile, poplars are an indispensable natural effective means for purifying urban air from pollution. According to experts, they emit several times more oxygen than some other representatives of deciduous trees. Poplars are able to process about 70% of street dust, dirt and smoke, and just one such tree can clear the air of tens of kilograms of soot and dust. It is believed that poplar is also capable of killing pathogenic microbes, it is resistant to gas pollution and releases large amounts of oxygen, aromatic oils and phytoncides into the environment. It is not for nothing that it is called the natural filter of the city.

Poplar wood can also be widely used for economic purposes, including as various lumber. It is obvious that poplar has many beneficial properties and aesthetic qualities. It’s not for nothing that the pleasant, quiet rustling of its leaves, the cool shadow under its crown, are sung by many songs. People compare tall, stately and strong people to poplars. After all, the trunk of this tree can reach a height of several tens of meters, and the life expectancy of poplars is, on average, several hundred years.

In the landscape gardening composition of Dashoguz today there are many types of ornamental and coniferous trees and shrubs. Several beautiful varieties of arborvitae grow here; There are gujums, or elms, ash, mulberry, jujube, maсlura, horizontal juniper, decorative barberry and even catalpa, which is quite exotic for these places. And the good news is that among them, poplars, familiar to our eyes for a long time, are still making noise and stretching their crowns towards the sky.