Ï The main task is environmental protection

The main task is environmental protection

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The main task is environmental protection

The Laboratory of «Environmental Protection Technologies» of the Centre of Technology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan successfully cooperates with government organizations and private companies, performing various works related to environmental protection. Thus, on the basis of the received accreditation certificate from the main state service «Turkmenstandartlary», laboratory tests are carried out in the areas of accreditation relating to drinking water, various chemical compounds and solutions, feed and feed additives for livestock.

According to the license received from the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, the accredited laboratory carries out research work on environmental protection during the development and use of natural resources, provides services and technical recommendations when carrying out engineering and prospecting work. Laboratory staff are also developing environmental passports and regulatory documents for new types of products produced by enterprises, organizations, plants and factories, and other business entities in the public and private sectors of the economy.

The Laboratory of «Environmental Protection Technologies» of the ANT Technology Centre develops permitted standards for liquid, gaseous and solid industrial waste discharged into the environment, and provides recommendations for their disposal and recycling. They relate, in particular, to the creation of technologies for the use of solid, liquid and gaseous industrial waste as raw materials for new products in accordance with the principles of the circular economy.