Ï Novruz Bayram is celebrated for the first time in Arkadag

Novruz Bayram is celebrated for the first time in Arkadag

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Novruz Bayram is celebrated for the first time in Arkadag

The national spring holiday - International Nowruz Day, personifying a new cycle of regenerating nature and the main universal human values, is celebrated in all corners of Turkmenistan with various celebrations in accordance with original national traditions. This year, this bright and life-affirming spring holiday is celebrated for the first time in the new smart city of Arkadag.

One of the events of the cultural program dedicated to the International Nowruz Day was a festive meeting entitled «Ýaşyl begres düşäp jümle-jahana, bu gün gül Watana Nowruzym geldi», held in the building of public organizations in the city of Arkadag. Representatives of political parties and public organizations of the city spoke at it, noting the significance of this ancient and ever-living holiday and its traditions in strengthening peace, harmony and well-being of peoples. The musical accompaniment of the festive celebration included performances by students of the special art school named after Sahy Jepbarov in the city of Arkadag.