Ï The website of the Information Access Centre was launched

The website of the Information Access Centre was launched

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The Information Access Centre, operating on the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Innovation and Information Centre of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the National Information Agency of the Republic of Korea, has created its website, which can be visited at https://iac.bilim.tm. The website contains information about the history of the creation of the Centre, its services, coverage of its activities in the media, all contacts through which you can contact employees and get answers to your questions.

The «News» section presents a quickly updated feed of media messages of a national nature and news in the field of education, indicating the source.

The «Services» section reports that the Information Access Centre, based on its humanitarian principles, invites people with disabilities and pensioners to free courses in computer literacy and entry-level IT technologies using special devices. Training is carried out using special keyboards and other devices designed for people with limited hearing, vision and movement.

All information on the site is available in three languages – Turkmen, English and Russian. The new site is in the process of being improved and supplemented with information about the training courses offered and other useful information.