The week will bring sunny weather to Turkmenistan, but some regions will experience rain and cold nights down to +8°C. The average daytime temperature will be +34°C.
In Ashgabat: partly cloudy, nighttime temperatures from +13...+15°C to +18...+20°C, daytime from +25...+27°C to +34...+36°C.
In Ahal velayat: partly cloudy with rain in the second half of the week, nighttime from +11...+16°C to +16...+21°C, daytime from +23...+28°C to +32...+37°C.
In Balkan velayat: variable cloudiness, rain in the middle and at the end of the week, temperatures range from +16...+21°C to +19...+24°C and +30...+35°C during the day, in the costal etraps of the velayat +26…+31°C.
In Mary velayat: variable cloudiness, nighttime from +11...+16°C to +15...+20°C, daytime from +24...+29°C to +32...+37°C.
In Lebap velayat: variable cloudiness, nighttime from +10...+15°C to +15...+20°C, daytime from +23...+28°C to +32...+37°C.
In Dashoguz velayat: partly cloudy with mid-week rain, nighttime from +8...+13°C to +13...+18°C, daytime from +19...+24°C to +27…+32°C.