Ï Decree of the President of Turkmenistan on awarding the title «Hormatly il ýaşulusy» of Turkmenistan

Decree of the President of Turkmenistan on awarding the title «Hormatly il ýaşulusy» of Turkmenistan

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Today's day of our native Fatherland, achieving gratifying results in all areas and worthily celebrating the 33rd anniversary of its independence, is marked by great victories and glorious events. Our beloved Motherland, which has become a land of unity, inspiration and prosperity, has earned high international authority thanks to its outstanding achievements in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, a benevolent neutral foreign policy based on the principles of friendship, brotherhood and peace.

The successes of our sovereign state, in strengthening the unity and cohesion of our native people, educating the youth in accordance with the national traditions of their ancestors - the invaluable merit of the older generation. Our wise elders are actively involved in the discussion and resolution of topical issues of national importance aimed at ensuring the interests of the people and the country, in the large-scale transformations carried out in the Fatherland. All important initiatives are implemented with their blessing. Our venerable elders also do a lot of work to explain to the population the domestic and foreign policies of the independent neutral Fatherland.

Therefore, the state always highly values the role of the older generation in a developing and increasingly improving society, its merits in educating young people in the spirit of patriotism, hard work, integrity, morality and humanism.

Considering the great contribution to strengthening the independence of Turkmenistan, enhancing national traditions and customs, strengthening the unity and cohesion of the native people, educating the younger generation, for an exemplary life example, and also in commemoration of the glorious 33rd anniversary of the great independence of neutral Turkmenistan, I decree:

To award the following citizens of our country the title of «Hormatly il ýaşulusy» of Turkmenistan:

Acting Head of the Department of Social Sciences of the Turkmen State Institute of Finance Ovlyagulyyev Meretguly,

resident of the Buzmeyin etrap of the city of Ashgabat, pensioner Hajylyyev Pirmuhammet Ymammuhammedovich,

resident of the Buzmeyin etrap of the city of Ashgabat, pensioner Charyyarov Ashyr,

resident of the Gorjav etrap of the city of Arkadag, pensioner Atamyradov Muhammet,

resident of the Baherden etrap of the Ahal velayat, pensioner Annayev Atabay,

resident of the Gokdepe etrap, pensioner Taganov Annadurdy,

resident of the Babadayhan etrap of the Ahal velayat, pensioner Orazgeldiyev Gochmyrat,

the operator of the gas compressor station «Goturdepe» of the Gas Collection and Distribution Department of the trust «Nebitgazçykaryş» of the State Concern «Türkmennebit» Hallyyev Orazdurdy Atayevich,

a resident of the village of Gumdag of the city of Balkanabat of the Balkan velayat, a pensioner Shukurov Shyhy,

a resident of the city of Turkmenbashy of the Balkan velayat, a pensioner Kitjanov Gurbanmyrat,

a resident of the gengeshlik of Goshakhovly of the etrap named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy of Dashoguz velayat, pensioner Durdyyev Durdy Otuzovich,

resident of the Akgala gengeshlik of the Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat, pensioner Gurbanov Satgan,

resident of the Abadanlyk gengeshlik of the Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat, pensioner Togsanov Bazarbay,

resident of the Charjev etrap of Lebap velayat, pensioner Yuldashev Kalandar Hojiyevich,

private horse breeder of the Chekir gengeshlik of the Kerki etrap of the Lebap velayat Hoshvagtov Jumageldi Muhammedovich,

resident of the Hojalyk gengeshlik of the Darganata etrap of the Lebap velayat, pensioner Babajanov Batyrbay,

resident of the Adalat gengeshlik of the Arykperreng village of the Mary etrap of the Mary velayat, pensioner Amanmyradov Bayrammyrat Berdimyradovich,

resident of the Parahatlyk village of the Mulkyusup gengeshlik of the Vekilbazar etrap of the Mary velayat, pensioner Shirov Berdi Kulyyevich,

resident of the city of Turkmengala of the Turkmengala etrap of the Mary velayat, pensioner Muhammedov Jumamyrat Sahatovich.

President of Turkmenistan

Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Ashgabat, September 24, 2024.