Ï Next issue of ARKADAGLY ÝAŞLAR Magazine released

Next issue of ARKADAGLY ÝAŞLAR Magazine released

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Next issue of ARKADAGLY ÝAŞLAR Magazine released

The next issue of Arkadagly Yaslar eMagazine of the Central Council of Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan has been released. The 33rd anniversary of sacred Independence and the tasks set at the recent Mejlis of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan are the main topics of the first autumn issue of the magazine.

The first article is entitled “Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahaty: döwlet bilen halkyň jebisligi”. It highlights the role of youth in fulfilling the tasks set at the historic Mejlis.

The words of our Hero Arkadag about the beneficial effects of peace and trust between peoples, world peace and the famous poem dedicated to these two forces adorn the pages of the magazine.

The article about the capacities of the new building complex of Berdimuhamed Annayev Specialized Military School, which opened and was put into operation on the first day of the new academic year, is entitled “Watan perwerligiň we merdanalygyň mekdebi”. The first article in the English language is about the prestigious awards presented to Arkadag City at the exhibition in the Republic of Korea. The article “Ylym-bilim dünýämize şamçyrag” tells readers about the educational and training institutions, which opened and were put into operation in the regions of the country in the new academic year. It is noted in the article that the secondary school named after Magtymguly, which was put into operation in Dusti village in Khatlon Region of the friendly Republic of Tajikistan, illustrates that the tremendous work being done by Turkmenistan is known throughout the world. The article about the past, present and future opportunities of Turkmen-Tajik relations is quite informative. The author of the article “Milli Garaşsyzlyk we ýaşlar” enriched the theme with his impressive ideas. The article “Pälwan pederleriň nesli” tells readers about the new achievements of a young Turkmen wrestler Alp Arslan Begenjov.

The articles of the young people, who were lucky enough to become students in the year “Pähim-paýhas ummany Magtymguly Pyragy”, are entitled “Zamanaň bagtly ýaşlary”. This issue contains the article about “Ýol hereketiniň howpsuzlygy – ömrümiziň rahatlygy”, which was held in September.

The author of the article “Humaý saýasyny salmyş” expressed his thoughts on independence. In particular, the lines “Ertekilerde gabat gelmejek, oýuňa-hyýalyňa-da getirip bolmajak bu bagt Garaşsyzlygyň düýp özeninden dümüp çykýandyr” are particularly impressive. The first article in the Russian language tells readers about the buildings built in honour of Independence Day in different countries around the world. The happy childhood of our era is described in the article “Ajaýyp döwrümiziň gül-gunçalary”.

Readers will get interesting information from the articles “Çagalar-biziň geljegimiz” (in the Russian language) and “Ekologiýa medeniýetiniň esasy ýörelgeleri”.

The articles of the “Ýaşlar ylym dünýäsinde” series tell readers about young scientists who have discovered the features of our ancestors in the art of architecture and are working on new research papers that will change the world. The article in the Russian language discusses the role of the digital system in economic development. The article in the English language is about some features of psychology.

The articles “Okamak hemişe gerek” and “Ynam güýçlimi ylym” are important for motivating young people to achieve new goals. Readers will find several articles about artistic creativity in this issue.

Traditionally, in the Year “Pähim-paýhas ummany Magtymguly Pyragy”, the magazine contains the articles dedicated to the great poet. The articles “Nädip baýamaly?” and “Italiýa – taryhy ýadygärlikleriň mekany” provide much interesting information. The next issue presents the rules of the artistic contest. Readers will also learn how to prepare a delicious autumn dish from pumpkin. The magazine attracts the attention with the impressive articles and excellent design.