Ï Koytendag exposes the world its mysteries

Koytendag exposes the world its mysteries

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…A small herd of dinosaurs grazed at shallow water. Water, being ruffled by slowly walking huge reptiles, glistened like silver under hot shines of the Jurassic sun and light breeze shook the branches of giant ferns. But suddenly, the shed was disturbed by a predatory pangolin. So, reeling long tails, the dinosaurs swiftly, as their sizes allowed, speeded away through the brushwood.

…150 million years have passed and on this same place, which was able to turn from calm sea backwater to the mountain slopes, the representative expedition of scientists attentively examined and studied in detail the tracks formerly left by dinosaurs. Statements in different languages were heard. A scientific discussion has been expanded directly on the plateau at the height of nearly one and a half kilometers above-sea level. Specialists went deep past in their imagination, discussed what type of pangolins inhabited there and how the tracks left by them could endured the geological periods.

There were a lot of such episodes in the course of the forum on study of the natural resources and ethnographic sights of the unique region. The completed expedition and conference “The Nature of Turkmenistan: undiscovered miracles of Koytendag” organized on the initiative of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aroused great interest in the international scientific community. Over 60 specialists and experts from two tens of states took part in it. In spite of those millions of years the age of different objects of Koytendag are estimated with, it was honored such attention in these days for the first time. This expedition became the first of such scale devoted to the study of the Turkmen nature.

Data, results of researches carried out in the region, knowledge accumulated about it to-date presented by tens of specialists of various specializations have preserved for history and science a collection of theses of the conference; and the work started within the framework of the forum is going on. These days, Koytendag was visited and investigated by representative delegation of experts from UNESCO and passed its first examination with dignity. It was laid a foundation for scale complex researches of its objects and making of extensive nomination dossier. The experts agreed to rank Koytendag among monuments of the world heritage. Per se, it was started the multistage procedure of description of the monuments and determination of their correspondence with numerous essential criteria for nomination.

So, looking at faces of scientists and experts, who saw a lot due to their professional activity and seems it is difficult to surprise them, it was possible to see a whole gamut of bright emotions, vividly testifying about impression Koytendag invariably produces on guests. Amazement, genuine delight, keen interest shows that local beauties and sights remain nobody indifferent. It should be told about these in the language of science. But in plenty of texts, tables and illustrations, it will be clearly outlined the main fact – uniqueness and gorgeousness of the land, which has no analog in the planet.

Reports delivered at the conference expressively told that the sights of Koytendag are inferior to similar ones in other parts of the planet. There are tracks of dinosaurs in a series of places – in Canada, USA, Republic of Korea, and other countries, but the suburbs of Hojapil looked among these monuments the worthy of the highest status.

Moreover, Koytendag is particularly interesting with its complex of really unique sights, objects of the wild nature. There is also one of the longest and richest systems of gorges and the only place of habitation of endemic Koytendag loach and many others.

Looking at water cascade of the Umbar waterfall, falling down with noise to the bottom of the narrow canyon, high walls of the Daray-dere gorge or mirror-like surface of Lake Kattakol, caves of the Kapkotan gorge, one can understand how lavishly the nature granted this land. Now, this fact became known for the scientists of the planet, guests and participants of the scientific forum, which successfully realized another important task – popularization of Koytendag and its beauties.

… According to the legend, the Kyrkgyz grotto is capable to realize any wish made with kind intentions. You have to think of the wish and throw up the ceiling a colorful ribbon. If this ribbon will stick among thousands of other ones, hanging down with fanciful fringe from a stony vault, you can be sure that your wish will come true. It is a popular belief. I don’t know what the participants of expedition, scientists thought about, whose ribbons also adorned this grotto, but I dreamed to come here again and to see Koytendag as well-developed center of international tourism and scientific researches. There are a lot of forcible reasons to be confident that this wish will be surely realized. Besides magic power of the grotto fanned with legends, it is also a genuine interest of the world science for which the region was opened owing to this forum as well as great attention, being paid in our country to the development of Koytendag, promotion of its grandiose potential.

The Expedition and conference has completed their work; but majestic mountains of Koytendag, its beauties wait for new guests and ready to unveil them its mysteries.