On the eve of the International Women's Day, celebrations were held with the participation of the leaders of the Mejlis, ministries and branch departments and public organizations. A bright event of the festive marathon was the ceremony of honoring mothers who gave birth and brought up eight and more children who were awarded the honorary title "Ene Myahri" in accordance with the Decree of the Head of the state and handling keys for new comfortable flats to families having many children.
During the conference dedicated to the significant event, it was noted that from time immemorial the Turkmens treated the woman with love and special respect, associating with her the notions of beauty and considering her the fundamental principle of life. As the participant of the festivities emphasized, great importance is attached to preserving the high prestige of the institution of the family, where reverence for the mother and the elder is laid. Today, during the period of cardinal reforms, this tradition has found its worthy continuation.
The President of Turkmenistan has always underscored the significant role and active position of women in the successful solution of the tasks facing the country. They, on a par with men, contribute to grandiose achievements, work in government bodies, in all branches of the economy, in the scientific and educational sphere, in cultural and health institutions, actively participate in the development of the private sector of the economy and are engaged in public work.
Our contemporaries are characterized by such features as high educational and professional level, initiative and pushfulness. Their role in preservation and augmentation of moral values, propagation of a healthy way of life, harmonious education of rising generation is invaluable. At the same time, our compatriots remain, first of all, caring mothers, faithful wives, tender sisters and faithful daughters, proficient and skilled housewives.
One of the important conditions for the sustainable development of society is the assuring of legitimate interests and women's rights, which serves as a clear confirmation of our country's commitment to its international obligations to protect the rights and dignity of the fair half of society. Turkmenistan has created all the opportunities for the comprehensive development of our contemporaries, their disclosure of their scientific, intellectual, creative and spiritual potential. Annually hundreds of women of the country are awarded state awards - orders and medals.
The priority of the country's development strategy has been raised concern for motherhood and childhood, preservation of family values. As a clear example it should be named the practical measures taken to improve national legislation in this area, the successful implementation of programs aimed at preserving maternal health, the full development of children, the social support of large families, etc.
In this context, the participants of the solemn events noted the great role of Turkmen women in the upbringing of the younger generation. Evidence of this was the signing by the President of Turkmenistan of the Decree on conferring honorary title "Ene Myahri" to more than two hundred of our compatriots. This title is the highest sign of distinction, a sign of great recognition of the mother's merits before society and the state, the invaluable contribution of Turkmen women to the prosperity of the Motherland.
On the eve of International Women's Day, festive events were held throughout the country. Gauds of presenting women with cash gifts on behalf of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took place in the ministries, departments, their structural subdivisions, institutions and organizations, at enterprises of all forms of ownership. By tradition, they were received by all, without exception, representatives of the fair sex, including students, schoolgirls and pupils of preschool institutions.
During the conference dedicated to the significant event, it was noted that from time immemorial the Turkmens treated the woman with love and special respect, associating with her the notions of beauty and considering her the fundamental principle of life. As the participant of the festivities emphasized, great importance is attached to preserving the high prestige of the institution of the family, where reverence for the mother and the elder is laid. Today, during the period of cardinal reforms, this tradition has found its worthy continuation.
The President of Turkmenistan has always underscored the significant role and active position of women in the successful solution of the tasks facing the country. They, on a par with men, contribute to grandiose achievements, work in government bodies, in all branches of the economy, in the scientific and educational sphere, in cultural and health institutions, actively participate in the development of the private sector of the economy and are engaged in public work.
Our contemporaries are characterized by such features as high educational and professional level, initiative and pushfulness. Their role in preservation and augmentation of moral values, propagation of a healthy way of life, harmonious education of rising generation is invaluable. At the same time, our compatriots remain, first of all, caring mothers, faithful wives, tender sisters and faithful daughters, proficient and skilled housewives.
One of the important conditions for the sustainable development of society is the assuring of legitimate interests and women's rights, which serves as a clear confirmation of our country's commitment to its international obligations to protect the rights and dignity of the fair half of society. Turkmenistan has created all the opportunities for the comprehensive development of our contemporaries, their disclosure of their scientific, intellectual, creative and spiritual potential. Annually hundreds of women of the country are awarded state awards - orders and medals.
The priority of the country's development strategy has been raised concern for motherhood and childhood, preservation of family values. As a clear example it should be named the practical measures taken to improve national legislation in this area, the successful implementation of programs aimed at preserving maternal health, the full development of children, the social support of large families, etc.
In this context, the participants of the solemn events noted the great role of Turkmen women in the upbringing of the younger generation. Evidence of this was the signing by the President of Turkmenistan of the Decree on conferring honorary title "Ene Myahri" to more than two hundred of our compatriots. This title is the highest sign of distinction, a sign of great recognition of the mother's merits before society and the state, the invaluable contribution of Turkmen women to the prosperity of the Motherland.
On the eve of International Women's Day, festive events were held throughout the country. Gauds of presenting women with cash gifts on behalf of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took place in the ministries, departments, their structural subdivisions, institutions and organizations, at enterprises of all forms of ownership. By tradition, they were received by all, without exception, representatives of the fair sex, including students, schoolgirls and pupils of preschool institutions.